Heart Issues Part I

Heart Issues Part I
Shifts and Ladders
Heart Issues Part I

Jun 06 2022 | 00:23:33

Episode 16 June 06, 2022 00:23:33

Hosted By

Rion Robinson

Show Notes

We are in new teaching about the posture of our hearts. You may not realize this, but all of the issues we have or experience flow from our hearts. Our hearts need a check-up and this is the first of multiple-part series around the issues of the heart. You don't want to miss this!!

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 1 00:00:13 Welcome to the life refresh podcast. My name is Ryan Robinson. And if you are looking for a podcast that is designed to uplift, encourage, and revive your heart, mind, and spirit, you're in the right place. Welcome to the journey of becoming the version of you. God designed from the foundations of you. Now's begin. Hello and welcome to the life refresh podcast. This is Ryan Robinson, so glad, excited, and delighted that you decided to listen to today's podcast. If you haven't already make sure that you hit the subscribe button on wherever you are listening to this podcast, whether it be apple podcast, Spotify, Google podcast, wherever, and then make sure you Speaker 1 00:01:21 That you found impactful. If you found it useful, if you found it encouraging and challenging, both are necessary to share because I guarantee if you been challenged, if you were built up, if you were exhorted, I bet you might have at least one friend that might be really encouraged, um, by what you share today. Um, we have been on a, uh, journey, really talking about hope and, and the process of hope and how impactful and how powerful it is once we get our hope aligned and the process by which hope, uh, continues to keep us moving. It keeps us tied to great things that we're trying to do for ourselves and our lives, but it also keeps us in the wrong things. It can keep us in bad relationships. It can keep us at bad jobs. It could really keep us in really poor circumstances because we've placed our hope in areas that we shouldn't have. Speaker 1 00:02:25 Um, shouldn't have put them in, but, um, you know, I want to keep, I wanna shift a little bit away from, from hope and, and this one, we hear this a lot, but it is something that I, I feel, uh, being led to talk about is talking about our heart, um, our heart posture, if you will. Um, there's a, um, a movie that many people <laugh>, maybe my age would know, maybe there might be very many these days, but there was a movie, uh, a football movie called Rudy and Rudy was a young guy who had a dream to walk on to the Notre Dame football team. I'm a former walk on football player as well. So I really get it. I understand you have aspirations, you have gifting. I don't think he was really that gifted though, but he saw himself. He believed he had hope, um, for the goal, but, uh, when trials came and he was getting demolished in football drills, um, he didn't quit when at times he should have, um, and, and most people when you're in a particular, uh, sport, they call that having heart, having heart, having grit, having, uh, committed something to, um, committed to a particular goal and something that you've seen and something that you believe you have heart for it. Speaker 1 00:04:08 So, um, once you find out, uh, how much you believe in something you end up life will really challenge you on what you believe, what you have hope for. And depending on what's in your heart, what's in your heart will come out of those circumstances. Come on. Somebody. <laugh> what, what will come out of your heart is what you believed in the first place. Okay. There, there are times, and I'm a good, I'm gonna get to the word of God here in a second. But you know, there are some times when, um, when you, when people have gotten angry with someone that they care about, or, um, with the little person, it may be in their lives, they might have a child or whatever the case is, but they get so angry. What comes out of their mouth was actually in their heart to begin with. Speaker 1 00:05:09 And it's sometimes hard. And sometimes, you know, the thing is we can't pull those words back. So we usually put a word on top of it and say, oh, I didn't mean it. Actually. You did mean it when you meant it at the moment. So what came out your mouth was actually in your heart, in the first place. So the circumstances, the climate was just perfect for whatever was in your heart at that moment to come out of your mouth. Mm. So my question is, has there ever been a time when you have gotten so angry, so upset, so frustrated with those that you cared about, tho those that you were, uh, overseeing those who were under your supervision, that what came out of your heart came out of your mouth and it wasn't good. Speaker 1 00:06:02 I, my, my hand raised actually both hands raised, praise the Lord. No, I, him double dog guilty, like many of you of something coming out of my mouth that was really in my heart, but I just did not want to admit it. Ooh, Ooh. And, and, and, and the Bible says, Jesus says that you shall know the truth and the truth will set you free. Now, this is, uh, we hear this all the time. Um, I've heard it in a, in a <laugh> in a Booey episode, um, to all the parents out there, it's in the Booey episode. And I can't remember the episode, but trust me, it's in, I've seen it hundreds of times at this point. <laugh> but you know, this is a word that comes from the Bible. This is Jesus's words in John chapter eight, uh, 31 versus, uh, versus 31 and 32. Speaker 1 00:07:09 And, and I'm gonna read it to you just so that, you know, uh, the full context of it. So Jesus said to the Jews who believed in him, here we go. If you abide in my word, what I say, then you are truly my disciples and you will know the truth and the truth will set you free. Okay? So now we have an understanding that truth, no matter where it comes from has a way of setting us free. Now, the thing is truth. Doesn't always come nicely, right? Um, if, if someone came up to you and told you that your breath stink not stinks, stink, that's the truth, but you may not like it. Speaker 1 00:08:02 You may not like it at all. If someone said, uh, you know, thought that color on you just doesn't look good, and that's the truth, but you believed your, you believed that that was true. And, and you really believed that this was gonna work out, but the truth is the truth is it may not be the best color for you. It may not be the right thing for you, but we have to be willing to realize and not be offended by the truth, but have an ear for it. Uh, there's a lot of times, many of us, aren't honest with ourselves, me included me included, um, that there are times when, and it's a good thing, too. Good things and bad things. Now, this is the power of belief. Now I wanna, I wanna get into another verse. I don't know how I got to this point, but, um, the power of belief, having faith, which we talked about, you know, early on just is so potent is so powerful that if it's misplaced, it can be damaging. It can be extremely damaging. So let's give an example. Shall we, if someone has told you a school when you were young, or you were seven told you that you were ugly and you took that, Speaker 1 00:09:38 That lie, it could be true. <laugh> it could be lie. You know, it could be a lie, whatever the case is, but say you're not. And someone said you were, you can actually take the lie. That's been said about you and believe that lie to be your truth. Mm-hmm <affirmative> yeah. You can take a lie and make it the truth for you, for your perspective, for what you see in the rear view mirror of your life. What you see ahead of you in the windshield and vehicle of your destiny, you can literally take the lie and make it true. Speaker 1 00:10:31 I believe it was, um, I believe it was Henry Ford that said, um, whether you think you can, or you think you can't, you are right. Here's again, here it is. Again, whether you think you can, or you think you can't, you are right. So whatever you believe, whether it's a lie or a truth that you have deemed true, you're gonna be right. No matter what happens. And the thing is, is something that comes out of your heart. It is what you believe in your heart. Not necessarily having all the facts, because the thing is you can have all the facts about you. You may have the best, the beautiful brown eyes. You may have long silky hair. You may have great physique. You may have great athletic ability. You may have wonderful speaking talent. You may have whatever you wanna fill the blank in. That's the facts that's in your brain. That is the evidence there, but no matter what the evidence says or whatever, the evidence shows you, your heart still has the ability to overrule whatever evidence and be the judge of what you believe. Speaker 1 00:11:56 How many of us have disqualified ourselves because we believed something and made it true. When in fact there is a series, a litany of evidence that shows otherwise, I, I I'll wait. I'll wait for a minute. Okay. Minutes up you might be experiencing. And you know what? This is the thing. What got you to this point might be one of the reasons why you believed what you believed. You might be motivated for something, but the motivation might be fear. Instead of the motivation being gr the motivation to grow the end result looks the same, but the fuel is different. Come on. Now, if you have the incorrect fuel, you will gas out. You can only run on fear so long. You can run on purpose and the vision of helping people be better. That's good fuel, but the fuel of, of fear that that will run out and you will run out if you utilize that type of, of, uh, thinking for your, for your life. Speaker 1 00:13:34 So let me get back to the original, original, uh, scripture here that I want to get to. And it is, um, uh, Proverbs 23, verse seven, and it's a familiar quote for many people. Uh, again, there's a book, um, that is named, uh, in reg the book has a portion of the scripture in, in it. And, um, it is, um, the book called is called as a man thinketh. And, uh, as a man thinketh, this is by James Allen. And it was published in 1903, um, which is dealing with the power of thought and how to use and appropriate, um, thought in the correct way. But essentially the core of this is the, is Proverbs chapter 23, verse seven. And, um, I'm going, go ahead. I'm gonna read it real fast. It's just a short scripture here, but we'll expound on it in a little bit. Speaker 1 00:14:46 And then we'll, we'll close. I want you to stay tuned for the next podcast, because this is really gonna be foundational because heart issues are heart issues are rooted in some of the things that we hear, we see we experience and those things inform the way we see the world around us. Now it's no problem having hope when your hope is rooted in truth. But if your hope is rooted in a lie, it creates and can create a very destructive pattern in your life where you can get burned out. You can die from the inside out because you have placed your hope in something that will run out soon. So Proverbs 23 per seven, says for a man thinketh in his heart. So is he eat and drink, say a he to the, but his heart is not with D okay. So what this is saying is, as a man, think if, if you can touch your brain real quick, like your professor X right now <laugh> is as a man thinketh in his heart. Speaker 1 00:16:08 Now touch your heart. So is he now it doesn't make sense that the heart can think, but what the scripture is giving us is a clear indication of what happens when we think about who we are. Now, it gives an example at the end of here that says, eat and drink. Say if he, that person who thinks in his heart to the person, but in his heart, he's not really hospitable. How many times have we said things that we didn't mean? L how many times have we invited people? We said, hello to people where we really wanted to say something else. How many times have we said goodbye? Where we said, we really wanted to say good writtens. How many times have we not been genuine with our dialogue with one another? Because what we thought was not in our heart. Alright, so as a man thinketh in his heart. Speaker 1 00:17:17 So is he, so what God is giving us is a dialogue, a big illustration about how things get into our heart. Okay? So we receive a message. Okay. We believe in this message. We thought about it. And now we're thinking about it. So as a man, thinketh, if I think that I'm not good looking, if I think I'm not smart, if I think I'm not something, if I think about it enough, if I meditate on it, meaning did I, if I meditate on this thing, if I'm continuing to rehearse and regurgitate, and then rehearse the same thing, that I'm not smart, that I'm not beautiful, that I'm not this, that, I'm not that if I continue to think about it over and over again, the process of what I think will get into my heart. Speaker 1 00:18:14 And what I believe in my heart will be who I become. There are times that people have all the things that are working for them, but because they believe an alternative truth, their truth based off of someone else's opinion, not necessarily what is fact based on the evidence that they've been given, they will self sabotage themselves from actually reaching their potential. Why? Because there is a limiting belief about themselves that says, I can't go further than this. Therefore, I need to make sure I cut myself back. Why? Because this is what I thought they received a message. They thought about it. They believed it in their heart. So guess what? They will create the scenario that they believe. Speaker 1 00:19:09 I guarantee it where people are and many people don't necessarily take the time to digest or think about what do they really believe about themselves that has gotten them to this point? Because I guarantee there is a series of decisions that have been made, whether they're for the good, or for the comfortable that have gotten you to this point, because you believed that this is where you should be, but I'm going to take the time. We're gonna take the time to explore heart issues, heart issues, y'all and position our heart to have all the right things in it. So that we have the right evidence, not just a truth or our truth that we believe about ourselves, but I'm talking about the truth, the truth that will set us free. It may not be, you may not receive it at first. You may struggle to even embrace it, but it's the truth in the truth shall set you free. Speaker 1 00:20:36 So we are going to get free in these series of podcast episodes around heart issues. But I wanted to just give a great introduction here, because I think it's just really important for us to even think about why we do what we do and be honest with ourselves, because Jesus said it, that you shall know the truth, and that truth will set you free Jesus being the truth, whatever Jesus reveals about us, whatever he has said about us, that truth will set us free. Even if it's a good truth and we fight with it, it still makes it true. It's just up to us to believe in it. Make sure you tune into these next few podcasts. I'm telling you. I truly believe that these are going to be some impactful, changing life changing material that I think is gonna really transform your life and really, really refresh into the trajectory that God has in store for you. Speaker 1 00:21:57 Thank you for tuning into the life refresh podcast. There are three things I'll need you to do before you go one, subscribe to this podcast, whether it be through apple podcast, Google podcast, Spotify, wherever you listen to podcast, make sure that you subscribe to get the latest episode in your feed. Two rank the podcast. If you like what you heard today, make sure you give it a great rating on those platforms. It'll help get us the exposure we need to make our message much broader and reach a different audience. And three, make sure you share this episode. I guarantee if you found value in it, someone you're connected to will find value in it. Well, with that said, take care and tune.

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