Getting to Know Who You Are

Getting to Know Who You Are
Shifts and Ladders
Getting to Know Who You Are

Jan 10 2020 | 00:10:18

Episode 2 January 10, 2020 00:10:18

Hosted By

Rion Robinson

Show Notes

The first step in refreshing is to determine what you value. This is the hardest step to develop because it requires us to narrow the scope of our lives and determine that is most important in our lives. Once you understand yourself, you are one step closer to a transformed life.


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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00 <inaudible>. Welcome to the life refresh podcast. I am your host Brian Robinson, and I'm so glad that you decided to tune in to the podcast today. This podcast is designed for those who are looking to refresh and renew all aspects of their life and receive a life that only God can get. My hope is that through this podcast, you are receiving exactly what you've been. Speaker 1 00:54 Hello, I'm your host, Ryan Robinson, and thank you for tuning into the life refresh podcast. If you wouldn't mind sharing this podcast or leaving a review or a comment, I would appreciate that. Whether it be on Apple podcast or Google podcast or wherever you're getting podcast, I would greatly appreciate it. So life refreshed means a lot, right? Just like you refresh your computer or a web browser when you're on the internet because something didn't load right. There are some foundational things that need to be done in order to get your life refreshed. And, uh, one of the things is you have to decide who you're going to be as. Like, that's the foundational thing. Uh, there's a quote that says, uh, I need to see who you are and not who you are. In my meditation time, a while ago, I felt that God, and I'm a believer in Jesus, I felt God propose a question to me that really didn't know how to respond to, am I real or am I faking it? Speaker 1 02:10 The question is, are you real or are you faking it? Now, it took some time for me to do some diagnostics on that question, but I propose the question to you, are you being real or are you just faking it? Maybe this might hit home for you, but when you receive a question like that, honestly, you immediately start to question everything with why am I doing it? I can recall an instance where I questioned my need for a specific brand of shoes or whatever it may be, whatever it may be. It could be something for you. It might be purses, it might be wallets, it might be cars, it might be clothes, whatever the reason. Have you really sat down and asked yourself the question, why do you need it? Well in my case, after an hour or so, I came to the honest conclusion that is signaled to others that I had arrived. It had nothing to do with what I liked. Speaker 1 03:20 Imposed expectations are really a dangerous thing, especially when you just accept them without any questioning. It set up. If they set us up for attempts to fit a model or them or a mold that doesn't fit who you uniquely are and then when you try to fit in that mold, if it doesn't fit, you start to develop and foster some frustration and start to question yourself as to why doesn't this fit for me? Well, honestly, it really wasn't intended for you in the first place. Whether you have 2.5 kids, 2000 square feet of home, you live in a nice neighborhood. Those are all good things to have, but are they really what you should have? Is it that someone gave you, once you reach these quote unquote non-negotiables that your life has become the pinnacle of what it could be? I would gather that perhaps we might have settled for what people may think versus what we think is best for ourselves. Just like clothes that have passed their season to fit you now. They may be too small or too big. You know yourself. You come to a decision point whether to keep it or throw it away. Speaker 1 05:00 I was wearing something personally that didn't fit me and I, this is the worst part. I didn't even realize it. Now honestly, this is an example of the struggle that many people are fighting on every single day. Advertisements and marketing tell you what you should wear, what car to drive, what shoes you should buy, all in the name of acceptance, validation, and approval. The answers in my personal examination drove me to expose and question other behaviors and ultimately ask who is Ryan. I uncovered my need to be accepted and in order to become someone acceptable, I needed to become the individuals that have influenced me over the years. So I overly consume teaching speeches, books, and all kinds of things to become them. Now, there's nothing wrong with being inspired by someone. Not saying that at all. In fact, that's where we get inspiration. We might hear something from someone and it triggers something within us and we're like, Oh, we can take a piece of that, but it is a problem. Speaker 1 06:23 When you subconsciously want to become that person, you instantly become a copy and no one likes copycats. You can only be you. So why don't you become the you? You should be designed to be. We are all originals, all masterpieces, and really should embrace that uniqueness. In Joshua chapter one verses one through nine, God reminds Joshua to be strong and courageous three times among several other promises, but this is the thing. Joshua did not have the same giftings as his predecessor, Moses, and sadly, this is where comparison cuts many of us off the path to purpose. Through all of the doubts that Joshua had about himself, God gave him the assurance that he didn't need any other Moses, but he needed Joshua. Now God needed a warrior to lead in that season, not a deliverer. So I'm not going to pretend that I've arrived yet to all of who I am, but I am clear on who I am. Speaker 1 07:44 Not. Some questions, demand deep eternal operations and force you to look at the truth and facing the truth is both horrifying and relieving at the same time. But you have to face the truth as some point. There are still a lot of work to be done on everyone's account, but you have to take the step to asking who you are. God, my family, others around me and others around you are counting on it for you to show up because believe it or not, all of our lives are connected and affected by what we do every single day. Put the cell phone down, put the, put the iPad down, turn the Netflix off, spend some quiet time with yourself and write down your feelings. Find out the things that drive you to purpose. Take small steps every single day. Small incremental changes are hard to see in the moment, but over time they can have a huge effect if you keep on building. I hope this was encouraging to you. Make sure that you share this. Leave a comment on any of the podcast platforms that you use. Take the time to refresh your life. Refresh the life of others around you. Tune in next week we'll have a brand new podcast and you don't want to miss what we have in store.

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