Signal Interference

Signal Interference
Shifts and Ladders
Signal Interference

Apr 05 2022 | 00:26:28

Episode 13 April 05, 2022 00:26:28

Hosted By

Rion Robinson

Show Notes

As much as we have issues with it, the Internet is needed. It connects to the world and other information. This connection seems very easy to maintain until you have an issue. Just like our internet connection can be disrupted, the calling and purpose for our lives can be scrambled by life's challenges and changing circumstances. Listen to this episode to get back on track!

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 1 00:00:13 Welcome to the life refresh podcast. My name is Ryan Robinson. And if you were looking for a podcast that is designed to uplift, encourage, and revive your heart, mind, and spirit, you're in the right place. Welcome to the journey of becoming the version of you. God designed for the foundations of the earth. Speaker 2 00:00:34 Now let's begin. Speaker 1 00:00:48 Hello, and this is Ryan Robinson. Welcome back to life refresh podcast. I'm so delighted again, that you have tuned into this particular episode. Uh, we have been on quite a journey over the last few weeks and months, actually. It's crazy that we're almost into spring or she brings actually here already. Um, and I'm super excited, uh, to kind of keep the, keep the conversation going in regards to S to, um, the what's in our lives, right? Again, uh, if you want to listen to previous podcasts, anchored identity, a part one part two, and part three are in the feed. So if you want to go ahead and listen to those, you can definitely do that at any time, uh, to give some context of why we're going after what's now, um, not only, uh, who we are, um, who's, we are really inform what we do. Speaker 1 00:01:52 The internal pieces of ourselves inform the external, uh, pursuit, or should, uh, influence our external pursuit, our actions and our intentions. You know, I was, it's funny over the last few days, I've been, uh, experiencing scrambled signals, uh, you know, wifi does what it does. I don't really understand the whole, I know its signals, it's ways it's frequencies. It is things that I can't see that affect the things that I do. See I'll come on that all that'll speak. No one understands how wifi really works. It is a, you plug it into something physical that sends out something invisible that connects what's tangible so that you can view the thing that you're trying to view on the tangible item. And, uh, we get really irritated these days when we have poor wifi signal, there's something frustrating of not being able to access what has been easily accessible to you at one point. Speaker 1 00:03:07 Um, but now you struggle, uh, and you don't know how to, you know, you don't know what to do. So you deal with the things that are physical to deal with those. But I thought, and it, it kinda came to me. I think God gave it to me the idea of mixed signals of how much of those just like wifi, how much do we get our intentions scrambled up? How often do we decide that we're going to go after something that we think is purposeful, but really it feeds a deficiency that we may have. So we ended up going after the profit, over the purpose or over the, the, the position instead of the relationship, the things that are for us, instead of those things that are for others, what gets us mixed up and makes us do some of the crazy things that we do as people, you know, as I was doing some research on, uh, on signals, um, particularly wifi signals, because there's some, I want to keep the theme going with it. Speaker 1 00:04:25 Um, there's essentially three, three areas or three symptoms that cause, uh, wifi signals or a signal to get, uh, scrambled. Okay. Um, the first one, which is a pretty clear one is that there is one unauthorized access. There are certain wifi locations and routers and stuff that you just can't have access to unless you have the right code. It's frustrating is I dunno, what, when you can see a whole list in a whole slew of wifi signal and they all have lock pads, or they might be available to be used, but the passwords messed up or you don't know where the password is, or you haven't seen it, or it's been, you got a new phone and you're used to being connected to that wifi, but you can't find it. You don't know where it is, just like access on a device. There are certain things in our lives that we are intentionally designed to do. Uh, if anyone has heard me sing, I do a decent job, but I am not authorized to be a professional singer. Um, I am not authorized or have the capability to be a Saint. I couldn't develop the aptitude, but I am not a professional painter. Speaker 1 00:06:16 I just don't have the gifting for it. Um, and, and, you know, there's nothing wrong with that. I, I can do a Bob says I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me that says I can do them. That doesn't mean that I should be doing them. It doesn't mean that I can't. My faith says I can do anything, but I can't do everything. And if it's not in line with purpose, then it's something that I just don't have access to. We've seen this in decades and decades of, uh, American idol, tryouts, and auditions, where someone believes it has the heart for a singing and believes that they can sing. But when they get in front of an audience and the professionals who have dedicated their lives and their entire careers to the art of music and its impact on the world, and they try to deliver that definitely falls flat sometimes, but they don't realize that that wasn't what they were designed to do. Speaker 1 00:07:27 I'm sure those individuals have other amazing gifts that, uh, that could be shared with the world. But in that one, they have no access to a different level or a next level that aligns with purpose. It is something that I believe that all of us have innately woven into our souls and into our spirit, how we got fashioned us in the ingredients that he made in each and every one of us to capture and figure out what purpose we have been designed for. And it is something that we have to go to God for. We have to examine ourselves and understand the things that we do have access to. Now, this is the thing, the things that we do have access to almost come too easily to us. Therefore we overlook them because we think that by it being easy to us, it is something that we don't have to is not necessarily a gift for us. It's just something easy. But say, if someone else had the, had looked as looking at you and says like, wow, you're really good at speaking or singing is something that you live with. You live with yourself every single day. So, you know, and you work that gift because that's just what you do. Speaker 1 00:09:04 But sometimes what we take for granted, it's something that we do every day, but what you have and what you carry, isn't common, it's you. So there has to be some things that we have to understand at least embrace that there are things that we already have access to whatever gifting that may be, and that gifting needs to be cultivated, but there are other areas that we do not have access to not saying that we can't do them. We just won't be effective in that connecting just like a, uh, a computer that's connected to wifi. When the internet goes out, you will be spinning and spinning and spinning until a connection is made. But that connection is only made when you have access. And essentially that is where you have to do your homework and really try and cultivate that. Um, but sometimes we get those all mixed up and we get it mixed up. And it, again, it depends on what we decide to focus on. Um, the next one, uh, that impacts signal for many of us is, um, is a weak signal. Uh, wifi can be again, um, weak. Speaker 1 00:10:40 It depends on how far away we are from the source to get connection. There are, uh, in wifi routers these days. Um, we don't have it as often as we once did in the early parts of technology, but there are, oh, we have it with Bluetooth headphones. Let's use that as an example, the further you get away from the phone, the signal starts to do a lot of, you know, a lot of this kind of stuff, you know, kind of going in and out like in the microphone, but it's because the signal strength is being diminished because we've gotten further and further away from the source. Now it's not that we haven't made connection. The evidence of us hearing the evidence of us receiving connection means that we have made some kind of connection. But what it does show is that we have been further away from the point of connection where strength is being lost. Speaker 1 00:11:50 Okay. Now, if we bring this back to your, what are, what and whose we are and what we are informs our, what, as we discussed earlier, if we are not getting the source or getting, where are we getting this power from? I truly believe that God is the one who gives us. Every Bible says he is the giver of every good and perfect gift, which comes from above those things that we have been gifted with, that we do have access to, are the things that, uh, we get strength in. In fact, you know, we are graced in those areas because that grace gives us the ability to do what we do and say how we say and be how we are able to become that is the grace that we have been given by God, in order to activate in what we've been called to do. Speaker 1 00:12:51 Now, the thing is, if you use those things and we'll use the verbiage, if you're doing it for purpose or for profit, we'll get you away from the source of why you're doing what you're doing. And this is the thing. Most people don't think about you going back to what we said earlier, the gifts that come easy to us, you, you may think that what you have is common and we may, and I think all of us at some point think that all, you know, my gift of writing is, is it is nothing. It's, it's just what it is. No, it's more than that is if you have gotten affirmation and then again, sometimes you do need that of, Hey, you're your writing's great. Or your singing is great, or your, uh, whatever your, your thought process is amazing. It's genius. There is some validity to that when we get it from people that we trust, therefore it gives us the ability to start walking towards that source, to walking towards that gift in that purpose. Speaker 1 00:14:03 But if we're not walking toward the source, which I believe is God who gives us the gifting, it won't be able to be developed into the things that we liked that we would, uh, I would say, would be useful and reach their full potential beyond us exercising the gift every day, uh, just like muscles again, you know, we can work muscles all day long, which is great. But at the end of the day, you don't repair your own muscles. Your body does, you know, you don't get a report of how your muscles repaired overnight. Like you do when your iPhone gets fully charged during the day. But if you do not know that the breath in your body is not your own, it's borrowed breath from God. And your heartbeat is the rhythm by which God designed the foundation of the earth. And you happen to have that rhythm in your body and in your soul, it'd be very hard for you to think that this gift is something that you got for yourself, but instead it truly is a gift that you've been entrusted with and being entrusted with something that is not yours, requires quite a bit of stewardship, um, to develop. Speaker 1 00:15:40 Okay. So the next thing, uh, that, uh, and the last point I'm going to make before, uh, we, we end this episode today Is that, um, Sometimes when there's a poor wifi signal, it's not always the router And it's not always the distance. It might be the device. The one that is you're using to try and connect to, Um, there are so many devices these days, and if we want to call them our gifts or whatever the case is, uh, a device is designed to create, or the tool, if you will, to get us access, to build, to create, to develop, to connect, to socialize, to watch, to entertain All that stuff. But actually sometimes those devices have bugs and they need to be reset. They need to shut down. They need to be cared for. They need to be plugged up. They need to be charged. They need to be, uh, utilized In a great way so that they can be maximized at the time of use. So it was not only just The, um, the access, the access, And not just the proximity or distance to a signal, but perhaps the tool that you have needs to be reset. It needs to be refreshed. It needs to be, uh, formatted in some cases. Speaker 1 00:17:43 And this is where we have to do some hard work. And I think, um, you know, I, I would want to expound on this in the next episode, but sometimes our gifting, Isn't always what we imagined it could be or what it should be. We want to make sure that, um, you know, there's a customization that comes along with who we are as a person. You know, there are a, uh, literally hundreds, hundreds of speakers in the world. Um, You know, many of them you might have seen on Instagram. Um, some of them you hear on Sunday, some of them you hear it in political offices. Uh, there's just, um, literally not, there is it's okay. Yeah, there might be too many, but, uh, now there aren't too many, but I really think that there are a few, um, Speakers. Um, I mean, there's a ton of speakers, but every speaker that we listened to resonates with each of us differently, um, some of us get, uh, excited by certain things or certain speakers while others are very, um, you know, not necessarily engaged with others. That's fine. Not every person is designed for the voice of you or for someone else, or, you know, I'm, uh, essentially listening to, um, uh, uh, to other shows or Speaker 1 00:19:40 Not everyone is designed to hear your specific voice. That's why there's a plethora of people that God uses to get a message to someone. And it may not just be you, but the, you you're assigned to we'll hear it in your frequency. So one of the things that I want to make sure that we remember, Um, is that, uh, Speaker 1 00:20:09 We aren't the only people doing this, the only difference, you know, wifi signals consistent. It just depends on what device you happen to use. This has the same frequency, no matter where you go, or a similar frequency, um, you know, the device that it, uh, that sends it out might be different. But at the end of the day, there's a consistent protocol. The only thing that is different is the device that we use to connect to that signal. Just like those things, those different devices, the different gifts that we have have different pieces. And the only, when you look at your gift, your gift is speaking, but the uniqueness is you it's, you speaking, it is your voice. It is your message. It is your frequency that people connect to. Uh, and I think to me, those are the most powerful things that we don't Realize about ourselves, um, is that we really have everything that we need. We literally have everything that we need in order to be as great as we can be. Uh, there's this book, Um, called, uh, steal like an artist by Austin Kleon. Um, it is, uh, again, it's, it's a New York times best selling book. And I, um, it has drawings in it. It's a bitcher book in some cases, and it has some really cool notes in the book. And one of the things, and it actually references the Bible is the first one, the first paragraphs, uh, in the book. Speaker 1 00:22:09 And I would like to read it, uh, to everyone so that, you know, this is the premise of it. And if you want to dive deeper into this book, you can do that. Um, but it talks about how creative, excuse me, how creative we all are, But let's let me read it. And then I'll expound upon it. Um, what a good artist understands is that nothing comes from nowhere. All creative work builds on what came before. Nothing is completely original. And here it is right from the Bible. There is nothing new under the sun, Ecclesiastes CS chapter one, verse nine. Some people find this idea depressing, but it fills me with hope. Here's a quote. Everything that needs to be said has already been said, but since no one was listening, everything must be said again. So Again, We might have some scrambled signals some days, But once we refresh our device, Perhaps we can make a better connection. Again, we can go through refresh, rearrange And reinvent ourself. And this part of obtaining the, what, The component that needs to be talked about his creativity And how that expresses itself on a daily basis to all of us tune into the next episode of life. Refreshed, Speaker 1 00:24:00 Thank you for tuning into the life refresh podcast. 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