The Pain of Progress

The Pain of Progress
Shifts and Ladders
The Pain of Progress

Aug 19 2022 | 00:29:04

Episode 20 August 19, 2022 00:29:04

Hosted By

Rion Robinson

Show Notes

Many people think that progress is a smooth transition. Unfortunately, every shift, every change requires a payment method called pain to move forward. This podcast will help you get some perspective to the pain that your may be experiencing in your life.

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 1 00:00:13 Welcome to the life refresh podcast. My name is Ryan Robinson. And if you are looking for a podcast that is designed to uplift, encourage, and revive your heart, mind, and spirit you're in the right place. Welcome to the journey of becoming the version of you. God designed from the found now's begin. Speaker 1 00:00:51 Hello, y'all this is the life refresh podcast. I am your host, Ryan Robinson here to share something, enlightening, something inspiring, something that will change your life. Maybe the topic today might actually challenge you quite a bit, but if you haven't yet make sure that you share this podcast with someone that needs their life refreshed. If there's anything in this podcast that actually, uh, you think someone else might need do, and be the friend that, uh, adds value and share this with someone. Um, I think it's really, really important that we do so, and it helps out the podcast as well. Um, I really want to get into the content and topic for the day. Um, there's a personally, there's been a lot going on in my life personally. And, uh, there's a, a topic that I wanted to highlight a little bit based on some situations and circumstances that have recently come to light. If I could title it anything, I would entitle it, uh, the pain of progress, um, recently, probably over maybe the last six months or so. I've actually never, um, maybe one time have gone to a chiropractor. Speaker 1 00:02:16 Um, if any of you haven't gone to a chiropractor, I highly suggested you do <laugh>. It is, uh, it is changing life changing in some respects. Um, and what it, the chiropractor is designed to do is to align that bone structure, whether it be the back, which typically in most cases is a bag. It could be a shoulder. Um, it, it could be a hip, it could be, um, anything ankle, um, but their job really is to create alignment, uh, in the body so that everything else that hangs from it, the muscles, the nerves, the, the, the organs, all those things are in alignment with oneself. So, uh, in doing so, being in alignment creates more synergy in your body. It creates better flow veins, blood flow works, all the, all that stuff that I don't know anything about <laugh>, uh, but it makes things better. Speaker 1 00:03:22 Um, and, uh, initially I wasn't, I was very skeptical, um, of chiropractor the, of the chiropractor, like many people are, you might be listening and might be very, uh, skeptical as well. But I, I went into the, the doctor and really the reason why I went in there is cause I was having lower back pain. I played football in college and I used to lift a lot of weight and I was working out one day and I just was in pain. I was in pain and thinking that, uh, I need to stretch more or I need to do I need to stop lifting weights or something like that. I don't, I don't know what the, the, the reason was, but I was in pain and a good neighbor, friend of mine said, you should go to my chiropractor. So I ended up going and got a free assessment. Speaker 1 00:04:16 Um, they had to do some x-rays on me. And the x-rays showed that the area of pain that I was having was an area that was out of alignment. Um, if I hadn't been working out as much as I had been, it might have gotten worse because there wouldn't been anything to support it or keep it in place. So why am I bringing all this stuff up? Okay. There is something in our bodies and particularly something in our, um, psyche that we definitely will shy away from pain. We will avoid pain at any cost. Um, if you've bumped your foot on the table, of course that's pain, you will do everything to avoid that particular area. If someone has hurt us emotionally hurt, our feelings has said something damaging has, uh, done something to us. There is a reason for us to avoid that person because they did something to hurt us. We've we have been damaged in some kind of way. Uh, so I used that example, cuz the doctor told me something that I never really had thought about, but it's absolutely true. Speaker 1 00:05:44 If everything in your body is in alignment, ideally you shouldn't be experiencing the pain that you do. Pain is a signal that something is indeed wrong in your body. Pain is something that is indeed an indicator that something is going on in your psyche. If you're feeling some kind of emotional pain, physical pain, the first thing that we do is that we do our best to guard it, to protect it, to keep it from getting injured anymore. So one of the things that my doctor, my chiropractor told me, he said, I can tell that your gate is off because you walk a little bit to the left and it looks like you're trying to avoid feeling the pain of what it's like to actually be adjusted correctly. Speaker 1 00:06:43 See, it was actually more painful for me to walk correctly than for me to walk incorrectly, man, I'm gonna say that again, it was pain. It was more painful for me to walk incorrectly. It's more painful for me to go to a friend that I have an argument with and addressing issue than it is for me to avoid that person and just keep resentment and anger in my heart. And we talked about what heart issues do. If you, if it stirs up long enough, it will create a, a pattern and a perspective of that individual that may not be true. It just may be depending on how I'm currently feeling about them and what I, or what I haven't told them, I feel about them. Speaker 1 00:07:38 Okay. Um, so one of the things and I feel that God has used in us, uh, used is pain. Um, and, and pain is a <laugh> no one likes it. Um, no one cares for it. Um, in order for things to grow in order for muscles to grow, there has to be some kind of pain. And honestly, we always have heard in those who have been in the, uh, in the gym that say that there's no pain, no gain. And in many respects, whoever authored that saying is actually correct. Anything that we have experienced has had, if there's any growth that we have experienced, it is also done in concert with pain. We have these things called growing pains. When young men and women are growing from their teens and their adolescents into, uh, adulthood, there's they get knee aches, they get back aches, they get all kind of aches. They sleep all day long. There are indicators of growing pains that happen in order for growth to take place. Speaker 1 00:09:11 But the older we get now we have no choice in the growing pains. That is a part of our body. It automatically happens. We just tell our young person, our young teenager, our young teenage girl, teenage boy, that you know what, that's a part of life. Your body is going through changes. Come on, somebody we're going through the changes. So you need to do the best that you can to endure the pain. Now, if we had taken, if we had, if we take the same approach, um, emotionally that we do physically, we will do everything that we need to do to stop ourselves from growing. We avoid people. We avoid painful situations. We avoid difficult conflicts. We avoid those things that cause us to grow because we are trying to protect ourselves. Okay. Um, there is um, a scripture and there are several scriptures in the Bible that speak upon pain and simp and simply discipline. Speaker 1 00:10:22 Discipline is painful. It is painful. I don't like being disciplined. If you come from the school of, of people who have been, uh, I dunno if you can say this, uh, whooping those things, um, you can look it up in the urban dictionary, what a whooping is, but people have gotten whoopings, spankings, whatever. There has been some kind of pain that some young person has experienced at some point in their life. Uh, whether it was a slap on the hand or whatever the method of discipline might have been. It was a painful situation at the time. But that short term pain actually saved us from long term pain, further down our life that might manifest had it not been there. So I'm gonna go through a few scriptures here that speak on discipline and how important it actually is. Hebrews 1211 says for the moment, all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it. Here's another one, Proverbs 12 one, whoever loves discipline, loves knowledge, but he who hates rep proof is stupid. <laugh> this is in the Bible. Y'all this is in the Bible. I'm I'm looking right at it. If you don't like discipline, you are stupid. That's what the Bible is saying. Um, let me see. There's a, let me get another one. Um, Speaker 1 00:12:18 Here we go. Here is job job. Five 17 behold blessed is the one whom God reproves rep proof, meaning discipline, therefore despised, not the discipline of the almighty. So as you can see, discipline has an end goal. It is designed to produce some kind of fruit in your life that you may not have perspective on at the time. Okay? So there, you know, continuum, continuing back to the story of progress and pain, um, I, I was going through, um, more of the treatment for chiropracticing. You know, they, they tell you everything's out of alignment and you know, it's gonna take you a minute to get your body back into alignment. So we have to do series of adjustments and treatment to get your body back, to respond the way that it needs to. And this is what he said, this is what, this is another Jim. He said, your body has naturally adjusted to the way that you have been walking to protected itself from getting hurt anymore. So what I have to do is I have to help your body unlearn. This is crazy. He has to help my body unlearn what it had to learn in order to protect itself from pain. Speaker 1 00:13:59 Isn't it amazing how much? And we did this, I, I did this for years. Once I finished playing sports, I had literally had no idea that my body had adjusted itself in a way for it to avoid pain. And I'm sitting here thinking I'm walking perfectly fine until an expert. Who's an expert in alignment tells me you're not walking as best as you could. And this what happens when things get out of alignment, things get worn down earlier than they should. They get broken sooner than they should. It could lead to even more injury. It could lead to a painful, painful growth. And as I got older, I'd have to get a hip replacement or back replacement or whatever replacement we do these days simply because I wasn't willing. I didn't know, actually not that I wasn't willing. I just didn't know I was out of alignment. Speaker 1 00:15:06 Okay. But the treatment, the treatments I was told, they might be a little painful and I'm like, what you mean? They're gonna be painful? Like, I don't want <laugh>. I want to get better, but I don't want the pain. Isn't that many of us, we want the improvement, but we don't want the trophy, but we don't wanna train it's it's these things. So I, um, I, the doctor's like, well, we gotta do some adjustments. We gotta do like 14 of 'em. I said, what? <laugh> 14 adjustments. Like, yeah. It, it, it it'll, it'll take some time, but we'll get there and your body will respond once we've done the treatments. So the first time I got adjusted, my body was so sore. I didn't know what to do. I thought I was. And, and the things I thought again, I thought I was in alignment. Speaker 1 00:16:09 I had a, that man put, was working to try and get my body back alignment. He had to, you know, had to contort, move, get everything adjusted, make sure that I'm in the right position so I can get adjusted correctly without injury. It was painful for me. But over time, after each session, things got a little bit better. I didn't fear the pain coming. Things got a little bit easier. I was able to get adjusted even more simply just by short pieces. Instead of putting in so much effort, the, the doctor was able to adjust with not as much effort as he had before. Why? Because my body was learning through pain to properly adjust for correction. Speaker 1 00:17:04 Many of us have avoided the pain of progress. I still do it today. Hence was one of the reasons why I'm actually putting it on a, on a podcast is that many of us avoid the pain of progress. The thing is progress is, uh, simply the death of something old becoming new. There's a scripture for it in, in, uh, we are in, it is in second Corinthians chapter five, um, and is verse 17. And it says that therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come. The old is gone and the new is here. Okay? The old is gone in. The new is here, but there is a process by which the old is gone. Speaker 1 00:18:18 Jesus died a death. And essentially that death is what we have to say to our flesh are ways the pain, the suffering that comes along with changing who we are as a person, being nice to the people that are mean to us, loving those. That don't love us back being available. When you don't want to, to give a word of encouragement to someone who could care less about you, these are the things that are painful, but in that pain of progress, you become a better person. You become more resilient. You become more empathetic. You will grow from painful situations. Now I'm not always understanding the causes of painful situations. I am not God. I am not sovereign. I don't know why good things happen to bad people. I don't understand why bad things happen to good people. Speaker 1 00:19:27 Both instances can be painful depending on what side you're in, but I encourage you. That pain is never wasted. God has never wasted a teardrop. God has never wasted pain. God never Wass anything. So if you are wondering why you're going through this emotional pain, physical pain, spiritual pain, there is a purpose in it because God allowed it to happen. But I don't understand it. Sometimes. Sometimes it's difficult. I just don't understand why pain comes in the package that is delivered in. But the Bible says that he will work all things together for our good, for those who love him and are called according to his purpose, the ingredients of these things on hiss own may not work out when you're baking cakes, flour, doesn't taste good on its own eggs. Don't taste good on their own. But if you put 'em together in a cake to make and bake to stir up those ingredients together will make something delicious and wonderful. But we have to allow all of these things, even the painful stuff to work out just for us, that's it for the today's podcast, y'all be encouraged and don't avoid the pain, embrace it. Cuz at the end of it, there's some fruit that you've been looking for. Speaker 1 00:21:21 Thank you for tuning into the life refresh podcast. 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