Challenging your Mindset

Challenging your Mindset
Shifts and Ladders
Challenging your Mindset

Feb 07 2020 | 00:13:57

Episode 4 February 07, 2020 00:13:57

Hosted By

Rion Robinson

Show Notes

It’s critical to have the correct mindset order to create the best results in our lives. The internal work isn’t complete until we address the power of challenging and correcting (if necessary) our minds. The podcast helps to address those challenges and how to begin to over come them! Enjoy.


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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:05 <inaudible>. Welcome to the life refresh podcast. I am your host Brian Robinson and I'm so glad that you decided to tune in to the podcast today. This podcast is designed for those who are looking to refresh and renew all aspects of their life and receive a life that only God can get. My hope is that through this podcast you are receiving exactly what you've been Speaker 1 00:50 welcome to the life refresh podcast. This is Ryan Robinson and I am so glad that you were able to join in this podcast today. Before I go any further, I just want to send out a huge thank you to everyone who has listened, subscribed, commented, rated this podcast. There are literally hundreds of thousands of podcasts out there and I'm so grateful that you chose this one to be one of them that you listened to. I am super grateful for your attention in a day and age where attention is priceless and uh, I hope that the next coming episodes, which will be filled with even more content, even more interviews and some great discussions will continue to help, bless, refresh and renew your life as well. You know, this is just the beginning and the best is yet to come. So I'm so thankful and grateful for you the listeners. Speaker 1 01:56 Today's topic is around mindsets, mine sets, and the interesting thing about the word mindset is, is actually a compound word. It's two words, the mind and set, meaning that the mind is fixed on a particular belief or a particular concept. Mindsets have a way of revealing themselves when we encounter adversity. Growing up, my mom was a teacher and regularly challenged me to be a lifelong learner. So if you've know anything about me, I'm always recommending a book, listening to a podcast, listening to an audio book or reading something in scripture, doing some kind of study. I just love immersing myself in information. However, over the years I started internalizing failures, mistakes, and other issues, especially in high school, in college, as reflections about myself as I began to interact more with others who had different academic and athletic abilities. As a result, I couldn't help but to compete and compare myself to them. Speaker 1 03:12 I wasn't the tallest person on the football team, nor was the greatest math student, but I would compare myself to those who did have those attributes and ask myself, why didn't I get what they have? Then that's when comparison sets in comparison is one of the most destructive things that we can do to ourselves. Through comparison, we determine our own social and personal worth based on how we stack up against others, which may either make us feel super great or make us feel terrible, harboring feelings of envy or other emotions. In fact, we might be angry with someone simply because we have something that we really want. Now, it's interesting. Anger doesn't always look like that red, angry emoji on our phones, right? Anger has other ways of displaying itself. So for example, the other ways anger shows itself is an agitation, irritability, resentment, impatience or sarcasm. Speaker 1 04:21 So it doesn't need to come out as getting mad with steam coming out your nose and your ears and sweat beating from your forehead. It doesn't even look like that, but it can be subtle. It can simply be subtle. And this is one of the reasons why social media is such a powerful tool and is literally a double edged sword because it can provide great connections to people that we will never reach but can cause us to Harbor resentment and envy. It's interesting that the scroll or the main page on most of, if not all social media platforms is called a feed. So what ends up happening is we are scrolling through Facebook, through Instagram, through Twitter, getting fed the things that we are looking for and you can literally find whatever you want to look for on these social media platforms. Social media can really provide great things for us, but it also can provide some real negative things depending upon what you choose to feed. Speaker 1 05:35 There was a study done in England about how constant Facebook usage caused individuals to feel more depressed, more envious and lonelier. I have a link to this study and Ryan so if you want to check it out, go to my website and you'll be able to see it, but it's very eyeopening. Are responses to stressful situations are found in our mindsets or beliefs about ourselves. Our mindset is the way we see the world and interpret things around us based upon experiences and the stories that we have kept rehearsing in our minds. So this is the million dollar question. What is the story that you are continuing to rehearse in your mind that could be keeping you from breaking through to the next level? The Bible says in Galatians six verses four through five, but let each one examine his own work and then he will have rejoicing in himself alone and not in another for each one shall bear his own burden. Speaker 1 06:55 This is the, this is the one of the greatest things to know is that no matter what, you are accountable for what God gave you. And not everyone has the same level of gifting as you. We know ourselves, we know what we have, but what we're doing is projecting to another person and we start making excuses for ourselves. And then we start to believe and rehearse and meditate on a particular mindset. Debt is literally killing us and keeping us from realizing who we can truly be. So let's go through these types of mindsets. So based on the research of a Carl Dwek, she is the author of the book mindset. There are two types of mindsets. You can either have a fixed mindset or a growth mindset, particularly when we approach some kind of failure. So let me give you the definition of a fixed mindset and I'm going to give you some of a few examples as well. Speaker 1 08:06 A fixed mindset is belief that my intelligence, personality, and character are carved in stone, and that my potential is determined at birth. Here are some of the questions that a fixed mindset would use to evaluate certain situations. Will I succeed or fail? Will I look smart or dumb? Let's balance out with the growth mindset. Now, the definition of a growth mindset is the belief that my intelligence, personality, and character can be developed. A person's true potential is unknown and unknowable, which means there is unlimited possibilities of what you can be. Okay? So here's some questions that they'll ask themselves in a particular situation. Will this allow me to grow? Will this help me overcome some of my challenges? So how can I improve from this? Speaker 1 09:17 You may have found yourself in some of these responses and it's all great that you're hearing these responses, but the question is how do I get beyond a fixed mindset into a growth mindset? Having these conversations with ourselves to displace a negative mindset to a more positive mindset, again, takes quite a bit an effort, but recognize this belief is what drives your mindset and your mindset drives your response. I'm going to say that again. The belief is what drives your mindset and the mindset drives your response. So create a habit of focusing on beliefs and declarations that can empower you daily to get you started at any point in your day. Now let me explain. This is not like daily affirmations, okay? Take paper and fold it in half. So you have two columns, one for your fixed mindset, the other one for your growth mindset. Speaker 1 10:28 Okay? And on the fixed mindset side, right? I will never get out of debt again. This is an example. What you would need to do is to cross it out visually see yourself crossing out that phrase. And then on the growth side, right? I can get out and all opportunities for financial independence are available to me. Your brain will continue to remind you that, Hey, we are looking for more abundance mindset. They're more limited thinking mindsets. Okay? Now the affects of change are not immediate, but over time you will change the story about yourself. I really hope that you try this process. I think it's really, really great. I have done it myself in the past, but I want to leave here a great quote, uh, to kinda end this portion by Seth Godin. Of course your behavior is justifiable. That's not the question. The question is, is it helping? Speaker 1 11:46 I am currently going through a process like this myself. There are areas of my life that growth mindsets, but there are areas that have limited beliefs and have fixed mindsets that have paralyzed me in certain parts of my life. Reminding myself to think differently is challenging. It's challenging writing down the limited beliefs that I've thought about myself, but I can't get anywhere if I don't put forth the effort to see what's going to happen. You are not going to make drastic changes overnight is going to take some time. This process is unnerving, requires risks and demands. Courage. Lifelong learning doesn't simply mean learning more from <inaudible> books. It means learning more from your life. I hope this was encouraging to you. Make sure that you share this and leave a comment on any of the podcast platforms that you use. Take the time to refresh your life. Refresh the life of others around you. Tune in next week we'll have a brand new podcast and you don't want to miss what we have in store.

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