Trust Issues Part 1

Trust Issues Part 1
Shifts and Ladders
Trust Issues Part 1

Feb 29 2020 | 00:12:30

Episode 5 February 29, 2020 00:12:30

Hosted By

Rion Robinson

Show Notes

This podcast is about one of the most important qualities that every person should have is trust. We all know this, but it is very challenging to gain and retrain. Listen to the Part 1 of this podcast.



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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00 <inaudible> <inaudible> Speaker 1 00:09 welcome to the life refresh podcast. I am your host Brian Robinson, and I'm so glad that you decided to tune in to the podcast today. This podcast is designed for those who are looking to refresh and renew all aspects of their life and receive a life that only God can get. My hope is that through this podcast you are receiving exactly what you've been. Speaker 2 01:02 Hello, this is Ryan Robinson and I'm just so glad that you're able to draw on the podcast today. Um, just want to again, thank you for all the listeners. We are actually over 500 listens on this podcast. So, uh, again, I just want to thank you all for sharing, uh, this podcast and listening to it. Please continue to share and go to, uh, Ryan has all the links to the podcasts there. So, uh, tell a friend, shoot them the email or the a web address and you know, continue to keep this thing going. Um, last podcast we talked about mindset and uh, the, one of the things said that kind of put some perspective into what drives mindset is belief. So belief is in the driver's seat of every mindset. And the powerful thing about that is because belief is something that you trust in. Speaker 2 02:10 It is some kind of core idea that you meditate on, whether it be a good a thought or a negative thought about yourself, but it's something that you believe to be true. And in that is actually what you trust in. And trust is something that you are, it's very hard to get these days, uh, because there's so many, uh, imitators, there's all kinds of ways. So there's a lot of mistrust. So you have to earn the trust of those around you. Um, whether they're, you know, in ministry, whether it's at work, whether it's in your family, uh, trust is huge. Trust is huge, is something that you cannot take for granted. So, uh, the currency of trust makes any relationship, organization and culture thrive. Um, once in a while. Situations in our lives cause us to lose trust in others and in ourselves. There are people who have hurt us in the past or personally made or you personally made a decision, uh, that you did not have the knowledge to properly make whatever the reasoning trust can be lost by our personal experiences. Speaker 2 03:38 We can start a second guessing ourselves and cause time to pass and hopes that we figure it out when the time is right. But unfortunately there was never a right time. Right now is the best time in my life. I've had a history of keeping people at a distance. Um, I've had some childhood experiences like many of us that have caused me to mistrust unders around me and my past. Um, my mind wandered to conclusions, but I met people assuming that they had an agenda, uh, that someone's trying to fulfill their own opportunities. And again, I want to be completely honest and transparent here because the only way we can really renew our lies is if we are honest with ourselves. If you're not honest with yourself, with the reality of what you're thinking and being, being able to identify, Hey, these are the thinking patterns. Speaker 2 04:42 These are the things that I have done. There's no way you can heal what you don't reveal. Okay. So again, this is part of my story. I'm sure many of us, all those listening have a story as well, but I want to make sure that when I'm speaking to you all, there's some authenticity to this thing. But considering all of the things and conclusions that I've made, it actually caused me to have a chip on my shoulder with people and created this, um, facade or this idea, uh, or world that I lived in where it was Ryan versus everyone. Um, I fought to keep up, uh, an appearance to show that I was in control of every situation, but under all the facade that all of all of the, the bravado and the ego, I really needed healing. Um, so over the years and actually going through, uh, some counseling of course you need that which I'm going to actually have a interview. Speaker 2 05:54 Um, speaking on mental health, which think is a huge, huge proponent specially into this day and age where information and misinformation are prevalent. Um, I learned to open up quite a bit and allow myself to Ana, Paula apologetically be myself and have deeper relationships with others. I decided to remove the barrier and allow my relationships to gain deeper roots. This process is terrifying because at the end of this, you have to trust the person at the other end of this relationship. But I was tired of having shallow relationships around me. And this is the dangerous part. Sometimes we don't even realize that we are pushing people away that really want to be involved in our lives and we need that. Uh, the very thing that we are really needing is a very thing that we're pushing away. And it's because we don't have the awareness and we're not honest enough with ourselves that we actually need something from someone. Speaker 2 07:11 And in order to get what we need, we have to put our trust one in something staple that doesn't vary and then trust the other person around us. The first thing I trust is, is God in my faith. That is the number one. That's the most constant thing that doesn't change. There's no variable in how he interacts in my life. And then the next closest relationship is my wife. And then I have my friends as well, my boys. And those are deep connections that require vulnerability to open up and allow people to see you as you are flaws and all. Um, pastor grey Chris shell, he's a very well known pasture, uh, across the world and stated this powerful, powerful quote, the only way leaders King gain trust is to give trust to others. That's the only way you can get it. It is an even exchange and it starts on, it starts unequally at first. Speaker 2 08:32 But trust is that valuable. If you ever had your trust lost by someone or have your trust lost in, uh, an organization or whatnot, it is very, very difficult. So be you have to be diligent with who you Le leverage or lend out your trust to. But again, the only way, even if you're a leader in your family, in an organization, you have to give some level of trust. And then over time you can give some more. But you have to Stuart, it just as you steward your money, just as you steward your time, you have to Stuart your trust. Speaker 2 09:20 Trust is the foundation of faith. So if you having trust issues in a specific area, you will have wavering faith in that area too. There's this book by a Stephen mr Covey who wrote this book called the speed of trust and really puts this great quote in the book that I really suggest everyone to read. Um, I will put this book in the pot and the show notes so that you'll be able to at least get the cover and take a look at it, hopefully purchase it. Um, but this quote says this trust is like the aquafyer, the huge Waterpool under the earth that feeds all of the subsurface Wells. Trust is an invaluable gift that one gives to another. There will be people that will take advantage of it and others that will cherish it, cherish it beyond measure. Of course, there are levels that you can give, but this thought's ranked. But this particular thought range, true. You will never know how much you can give if you never give first. Don't miss out on the possibilities that trust can provide you and the people that you connect with because you will find yourself getting in deeper relationships, more fulfilling. Ah, organizations, if you decide to put your trust in the right place, and I guarantee it that you will start finding that your life would be more feel fulfilled if you put your trust in them. Speaker 0 11:21 I hope this was encouraging to you. Make sure that you share this and leave a comment on any of the podcast platforms that you use. Take the time to refresh your life. Refresh the life of others around you. Tune in next week we'll have a brand new podcast and you don't want to miss what we have in store.

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