Work Smarter Not Harder - A Conversation With Mike Diamonds.

Work Smarter Not Harder - A Conversation With Mike Diamonds.
Shifts and Ladders
Work Smarter Not Harder - A Conversation With Mike Diamonds.

Aug 29 2023 | 00:59:27

Episode 0 August 29, 2023 00:59:27

Hosted By

Rion Robinson

Show Notes

Today on Life Refreshed, we dive deep with YouTube sensation Dr. Mike Diamonds. From fitness tips to personal growth stories, Dr. Mike shares the gems behind his success. Don’t miss this illuminating conversation that promises to motivate and inspire

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 <silence> Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to, uh, life Refresh Podcast, uh, with, uh, this, I've been telling y'all for a while, we're gonna be having a special guest on. And, uh, I am excited and delighted to have the Dr. Mike Diamonds here, YouTube sensation, on the YouTube. He has, gosh, it's helped me, but also has helped millions of other individuals reach their full potential, whether you're a business leader, uh, busy and trying to find ways, how am I gonna stay fit, and how am I gonna be in my best optimal, uh, physique? And, uh, he's the guy. He's the man. I, uh, again, I have, as I've talked about, y'all, I've been in football career, everything, and I hadn't cracked it until I talked to Doc Dr. Mike Diamonds. He got me together, um, got me together, so I'm not looking like a dad by when I have my son, man. So I'm trying to look good for my babies, man. So I have good pictures and everything. So, um, again, just thank you. Um, I wanna just welcome you to the show. You're actually my first or second inter actually my first interview, man. So I'm so thankful for, uh, you being here today. Speaker 1 00:01:14 Yeah, man, Ryan, I'm excited. It's a, it's a long time coming. I wanna say that was a gracious intro, and I'm, I'm super excited. I'll try and deliver as much as I can here, <laugh>, but, um, man, it was, it's, it's been such a journey. I, every person I've ever worked with, we always become good friends. And like what this is, this has been like a plus six months, uh, relationship in terms of the time we've known each other. And I know we said, we'll do this once we hit our goal and we hit it. And, uh, here we are. So I'm excited to go through this with you. Speaker 0 00:01:44 Yeah, man. Again, it's, uh, I think it speaks to the, the power of goal setting and your vision and everything. And, um, you know, I, I want to really get to, and, and this is the thing, if you are seeing this on video, make sure you are going on YouTube and subscribing to this man's material. Yes, sir. Because this material actually helped me properly put in perspective the science behind what we're doing now. There's so many individuals who are doing and talking about fitness and how to do it in an approach, but you've done it in a science-based approach that is reliable, consistent, and proven. So, with all that being said, I want to really just give our audience just a brief overview of how you got to this point. Where were you before you became the YouTube sensation that you are? And, uh, we're kind of just going from there. All right. Speaker 1 00:02:39 Absolutely. Well, to start, I think we can take it way back to like my childhood days, to give you guys a bit of a backstory. So, my mom's a nurse, right? And my dad's a diplomat. And at the time when we started, we couldn't really afford a nanny. So my mom would take me to work, she'd just just take me to work, and she'd say, sit here naturally. I love my mom. She's my best friend. And I would just help her. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I just, she'd say, Hey, bring this to me. Bring whichever way I could help her, I'd help her. And I spent a good portion of my early days, early childhood. I wouldn't be playing with kids. I would be with my mom at the hospital helping her, right? Because that's how we would babysit mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And then at the time, she didn't trust anyone because we couldn't speak the language. Speaker 1 00:03:24 So it was always my dream to become a doctor. I went through pre-med, majored in biochemistry and microbiology as a way to get into pre-med mm-hmm. <affirmative>, and to get into medical school. And as you can imagine, it's extremely competitive and it is also very expensive. So my objective was like, you know, I wanted to be a doctor. The, the goal was to be a plastic surgeon. And again, I was inspired because of my mom. I saw her boss as she's a nurse, was the, was the doctor. And I was like, I wanna take it to the next level. And honestly, that's what made me realize what makes me happy as a human being, fundamentally, right. I say this all the time, I love helping people. I love seeing people smile. I love seeing people happy that if you ask like, oh, what's, what's your thing? Speaker 1 00:04:10 What do you, it's seeing people happy. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Right. Got through medical school and I graduated, got through pre-med, graduated at a top 200 school at the University of Cape Town, and I worked my tail off. Man. It's probably the, some of the most defining moments in my life where I thought I was gonna make it. It was super competitive. And I got a full right scholarship to study medicine in Moscow, Russia. Wow. And at the time, it was a, a scholarship awarded by my country 'cause of just how well I performed academically. And I get to Moscow in my first year, and I'd lost myself in terms of my overall physique. I gave everything up. I, I didn't, I didn't go out, I didn't party. I, I partied maybe to be able to, you know, release some stress, but most of the time I was just eating, sitting down, studying, eating, sitting down, studying. Speaker 1 00:05:03 That was my life for a good three, three years. And once I got into medical school, I was like, this is not me. I couldn't recognize myself. My confidence was shot. I was terrible at even communicating. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Right. I couldn't have a full conversation, just 'cause I, I was, so, I was always in a lab or I was always studying mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And then I was like, you know what? I want to, I want to change my body. And I went online, right. Because that's like the thing we do. I, I was, I was a researcher, so I went online how to lose belly fat. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And I go online and they're like, drink lemon water <laugh>, you know, and the, the, the first advice is drink lemon water. I'm like, surely this isn't it. And that video had millions and millions of views, but I, I, I forgot it. Speaker 1 00:05:48 And I went on and I searched for information. It took me about a year, but I figured it out. I went from about 30% body fat to 12. Wow. And during this time, right. 'cause I'd figured it out, I put the pieces together with the science mm-hmm. <affirmative>. 'cause I could understand, I could, I could understand if this was information that was factual mm-hmm. <affirmative> or if this was just, you know, anecdotal information. And at that time, I started uploading Instagram at the time was a platform to upload your food and like, travel pics <laugh>. Right, right, right. So people weren't posting themselves on Instagram. It wasn't a post. It was more so like what you were doing or what you were eating. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, that was the niche of Instagram. So what I did, I was just like, I'm on, I'm on this platform, I'm gonna have fun with it. Speaker 1 00:06:32 And all I was doing was training. So I was posting these pictures mm-hmm. <affirmative> of like me training my back and I posted a before and after photo mm-hmm. <affirmative> right after like, three months already of the progress. And it was tremendous. And the photo got a lot of traction. Mm-hmm. I ended up seeing that I got more likes than ever did. I think at the time I was getting like a hundred from my friends, that photo got a thousand. So in my brain I was like, okay, so people like this. And at that time, posting photos of your physique on Instagram was so taboo. They were like, it would be like, look at this guy. Now, obviously it's the only thing you see Right. Online <laugh>. But it was super taboo. And I just kept on doing it 'cause people liked it. And then I, I would have my friends call me and text me like, dude, what did you do? Speaker 1 00:07:21 What did you eat? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And I just kept going. I posted, and I think we got to like 20,000 followers on Instagram. Wow. Early days. That's a big deal. Early. Yeah. Early, early days. And I, people come to me, he's like, dude, you're famous. I was like, really? Like, I don't, there was, it was such a foreign concept to me, because again, mind you, I'm coming from this introvert scientist to now I'm posting half naked photos on Instagram. At that time, I wouldn't show my mom my Instagram. 'cause I, you know, that time people were very conservative. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Then my friends were like, dude, you should make YouTube videos. Right. You're so good at explaining this. You should make YouTube videos. Check these guys out. So they showed me two people, uh, a guy by the name of Sean Thompson who inspired me. Speaker 1 00:08:06 And another guy by the name of Christian Guzman. He's like, he's the person who changed my life. If you said, who, who had an impact on my life, it was seeing someone online. And his name was Christian and they were sponsored by Gym Shark. Right. At this time, gym Shark was a new brand. It was like everyone, everyone in fitness, if you weren't in fitness, if you weren't wearing Gym Shark Man, I remember like, oh my gosh, I want Gym Shark. I spent six months saving up for a camera. Right. Every little piece of money I was getting from my scholarship, I saved. And then I didn't have enough to buy the camera. And my mom and my sister gave me enough. Right. It was like $600. I had 400. My mom, my sister both gave me a hundred dollars. And they said, buy your camera. Speaker 1 00:08:49 I bought my camera and I posted my first video on the 29th of December, 2014. Mm. And like saying, Hey, this is me. This is my journey. I'm gonna share everything with you. And I did not, that was, at that day, I never put down a camera. I've not gone over a week without posting since 2014. Wow. I've posted each and every single week, uh, not a fast forward. I beca I've become a doctor. It took three years before my YouTube channel got any traction. So, so I posted videos with just, you know, 200 views, 300 views, maybe a thousand. I, and I loved it. I didn't care for the interaction. Mm-hmm. And then this belly fat video I was telling you about, popped up on my feet again. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Now mind you, it's three years later. And I remember watching this 'cause it was what I searched for mm-hmm. Speaker 1 00:09:42 <affirmative>. And I was like, this is like, I realized how criminal that video was for people. 'cause it had like 20 million views. Wow. And it wasn't like the advice you needed, it was completely not the advice you needed. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So I said, I'm gonna make my own version, like, of what you should truly do. And it was a, it was a documentation of my day through medical school. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, it's called How to Lose Belly Fat. In one week. I posted the video and it got like 2000 views in that day. And I was like, oh, nice. You know, it's a, it's 10 times more than I've ever gotten for any of my videos, but at this point, I'm very impartial mm-hmm. <affirmative> about my channel. Right. It's just like, it's my hobby now. Right. And it's like how I document my progress. I come back from med school, I go, I take a nap and I put my phone to my side to charge it. Speaker 1 00:10:29 And I maybe like an hour into my nap, my phone is buzzing. It's like, it woke me up. It was, it was vibrating close to my head. 'cause you know, as a med school student, if, if the alarm, if you miss your alarm, man, you, you're missing like surgery or something's happening. So you keep the phone right close to you. So I was hearing the phone vibrating off the chart. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> was vibrating. I take my phone. And Have you ever seen a lot of notifications come through when you've gone on airplane mode for some reason? Yeah. So that happens for a good three minutes. My phone is just notifica. Like, I, I couldn't unlock my phone. 'cause the notifications, I was like mm-hmm. <affirmative>, what's going on? Did I get hacked? Like, what happened? Right. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Right. And lo and behold, this video, I go online and I see the statistics and this video has had a half a million views, <laugh> outta nowhere. Speaker 1 00:11:23 And I was just like, wow. I text my friends, I said, dude, go on my channel and check, like, is this right? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And they could only see that it had 50,000 views on the backend. I saw that it had half a million views and all those notifications or comments and likes of people asking me for this plan that I, I, 'cause I, I wanted to help people. And in this video I said, Hey, dmm me on Instagram if you want my plan that I'm doing. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So all those notifications were coming from the video of people saying, Hey, d I want your plan. It was called Project Diamonds. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, the rest was history. Right. Wow. That video in a day got a million views till today in a day. My life changed literally three years worth of work on YouTube. My life changed in one day. The video now has like 25 million, 27 million views. Uh, totally. I, I got my YouTube check and I was out of the dorms. I'm like, I'm getting an apartment. I'm outta here <laugh>, Speaker 0 00:12:23 I'm Speaker 1 00:12:23 Outta here, Speaker 0 00:12:24 Man. Speaker 1 00:12:25 And the rest is history, man. It changed my life forever. I, I, I never stopped uploading. Um, I definitely considered dropping outta medical school. 'cause I was like, man, I'm making more than a doctor at this stage. Like, I don't need to be here. Right. <laugh>. But, um, and in that time, I was almost being swayed. Right. 'cause I thought like, okay, um, now, you know, and with, with fame, quote unquote mm-hmm. <affirmative> in my mind at that time with like, Hey, I'm getting millions of views. I was like, dude, you have one opportunity and you'll never get it again. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So I was like, man, I need to go for it. I can leave med school and then come back to it. Everyone was like, don't do that. Like, keep on. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And it was a blessing. That was the one time, that was the first time my audience saved me because it allowed me to become the authority as a doctor online. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> and I, there's, there's, if you, if there's no skeletons on me, 'cause it's all online. Right. It's my whole medical school. My whole journey's documented. 'cause I haven't missed an upload in almost a decade. Um, wow, man. So that's the journey, man. And now we're here at 1 million subscribers and now onto two. Speaker 0 00:13:36 Man, that is incredible. That's an incredible story, man. I, yeah man. You know, it's, it's amazing that when people, um, people are always trying to figure out what the key was that unlocked everything. And for you it was consistency. And it was just the timing. Um, you know, maybe you can call it divine intervention, that the same video that got you started was the one that set this information that's here now is not right. So let me course correct it so that people can actually be able to properly utilize, uh, consistent and quality information to reach their goal. And man, it three years of become an overnight success. Hey, Speaker 1 00:14:20 You're right. Exactly. Exactly. And I'll tell you this, I still see it till I still see it today mm-hmm. <affirmative>, where there'll be the, the work I've done last year, I'm only re reaping the benefits now. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So it's almost, uh, I've realized it's more so a pattern for mm-hmm. <affirmative> Speaker 1 00:14:37 Externally to anybody. It's always gonna look that way. <affirmative>, it's always gonna look like overnight. But I've realized that to, to what receive certain qualities, you need to have invested time, right? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And I just see it now, even with coaching for you example, right? Mm-hmm. <affirmative> and you coaching with me. I spoke to you and I realized, I was like, okay, this is where you are. This is the time. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> and effort. We need to invest to receive what you want. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And here you are. Right. Like, reaching your goal, crushed it. That concept exists with everything. And I, I feel that with a lot of people, once they realize that is that you need to invest that time to be able to achieve, uh, to be able to achieve the things at that level mm-hmm. <affirmative>, right? Speaker 0 00:15:21 Mm-hmm. Speaker 1 00:15:22 <affirmative> example. You, you, you won't become a football player just by putting on the suit and then just thinking you can run routes. Right? Right. So you kind of use football and you, you need to have had time invested in the craft to be able to perform the, the routes and to be able to be physically fit, to be able to sustain all those things. It's, it applies to everything. And I, I use the same approach. And why stay grounded and humble with everything that happens, because it's just, it's all time. And, uh, and being consistent about it. Right? Speaker 0 00:15:53 That's, and, and, you know, I think those are, uh, those keys really are what unlock the potential for people. And I find that as we were going through this process. So I, I've been coached by this man, and this man has changed my life. I, I have, um, have to get new, new pants <laugh> because my, my waistline looks different. I've had, uh, coworkers and individuals say to me, man, what are you doing? And I said, man, I've been coached by, uh, Dr. Mike Diamonds. You need to check him out on, on, uh, YouTube. And I think one of the things that we've, we've, uh, kind of gotten away from in this process of it is that whether it's weight loss, and I think we ran into something I think I want to kind uncover a bit, is the mindset around the change that you want to make. Speaker 0 00:16:47 There were some things that you did and talked about in your story that there was something that you wanted to see. You weren't, there was a life that you were currently living that you didn't wanna live anymore. And you started going through researching, cultivating, documenting that process and really unlocking the version of you that was keeping you from actually becoming that version that you are now. So as you're going through and you're seeing clients, and as you're seeing other people these days, what is the mental capacity that you usually have to get? 'cause once you get the science, the science is there. But what is that mindset that you have to help an individual, like turn on? And when it turns on, it kind of is like the tipping point for them to start seeing progress. 'cause it starts inside. I I truly believe that the inside change first starts to affect the external change in your body. So what have you seen, what have you observed? And, and, you know, there's some keys and some gems here. I, I'd like to Speaker 1 00:17:48 Uncover with you as we talk about that. Absolutely, man. So I've, I've had this conversation with my wife. I've had this conversation with, I actually had a conversation with my team yesterday mm-hmm. <affirmative> and the Ana, uh, there, there's a video that's on YouTube where there's this guy who has a packet of gold little bars. It's gold bars, and Egypt gold little bar is worth $2,000. So he is in the street and he is handing them out. He's like, Hey, take this. He's in New York. Most people say, no, I don't want that. They, they're, a lot of them are saying, no, he doesn't want it. And to his relief, because he knows he is giving away $2,000, people are like, they look at it briefly and they, they go on. They're like, I don't want that. It's almost like they think they're handing a flyer to the person. Speaker 1 00:18:37 Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, and some people did. Now, the story behind that is that there are people who aren't number one conscious mm-hmm. <affirmative>, right? Because it's very easy to go on a day to day and just example, and this is what meditation taught me. You're sitting in a chair right now mm-hmm. But you're unc, you're, you, you're an unconscious, that you're in the chair, that this chair is holding you up as you sit there and supporting your back because your brain is so focused on this conversation. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So, as people, number one, we're very unconscious of so many things. Even the, the air breathing, pa uh, breathing past your face as you walk. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, right? So number one is consciousness is understanding, oh, I am out of shape, right? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, and that's kind of what I went through. I, when I finished with pre-med, I came through a consciousness of like, dude, this is not who I want to be. Speaker 1 00:19:27 Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And he, the, the story, just to tie in the story, this, the people who were conscious of what that man was handing over took that and then received $2,000 worth of gold. Mm-hmm. Now, to tie that in into fitness, the two things I see with people is, number one, they're conscious of their problem. They understand where they are. They, they say, Hey, this is a problem and I need to fix it. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, because a lot of people, especially with their weight, are not conscious. Right. Many, sometimes it's societal because everyone around them is of that weight. And this is normal, right? Mm-hmm. It's normal to eat out every weekend. It is normal to go out drinking. It is, we all have bellies. It is normal. Like it's, this is the societal norm, right? Right. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So you'll get a lot of people who are not conscious. Speaker 1 00:20:16 And then the second thing, the, the ones who are conscious of the ones that, that's step one. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, they, they know that they have a problem and they need to fix it. The second thing is the desire to change. Mm-hmm. The, the ultimate desire. There are many people who notice things about themselves, and they'll, they'll acknowledge that, oh, I'm outta shape, you know, I need to get into the gym, but there's no desire. Mm. They, they don't have this, it, it is not the most important thing to them in that moment. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, most people have desires for things, Hey, I wanna make a million dollars. I want to get X car. And that is dominating their cortex. On a more scientific level, there's things on your day-to-day that dominate your cortex that you're thinking about. Usually it's people's work, kids, there's things dominating your cortex. And that, that is the most important thing to you in that moment. But for clients that have consciousness, and then the idea, the desire, and that's their main primary thought is, I need to change this. Speaker 0 00:21:19 Right. Speaker 1 00:21:20 When I have those two things, mentally I know I can help them. Speaker 0 00:21:26 Mm-hmm. Speaker 1 00:21:26 <affirmative>, we're, we're all human beings. There's nothing, and just to give an analogy, like I, I worked in the hospital where I sell people fighting for their lives. Like, you have two hands, two feet, and you're breathing, you're fine. Like, you, you, there's things we need to change, right? Mm-hmm. <affirmative> mm-hmm. <affirmative>, that's not like out of our control. So I, I, I bring the science and I relate it more to the person. And also, I, even just this conversation, uh, as a coach, I've been, I've been able to learn this more and more as I've honed in on my craft to understand a person fundamentally mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So it's those two things. It's consciousness and desire. And when they have the desire, they make the decision. Like, Hey, I'm gonna do this with you. Let's do it. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, and they, they take, they receive, right? Speaker 1 00:22:09 Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, so the example ran, we had that conversation, and you were ready to receive because you had those two things ready. If you didn't have consciousness of like, that you need, you had this mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you would've said, Hey, Dr. Mike, let me, let me get back to you, man. I need, uh, I need to do X, Y, Z, all these other things that are dominating a cortex or mm-hmm. <affirmative>, if you didn't have the desire, if you're like, I kind of like this. Look, you know, it's, it's a good look for me. Or, you know, some people say, Hey, I don't want to be too skinny, or whatever else, then they, they're not ready to receive. Mm-hmm. And you have those two things. And anyone I work with have those two things typically. And all I need to do is apply the science, because I know that they're gonna follow through because the desire is there, and that they understand. And as human beings, you need that to get them path. You need that to just make them take the first step mm-hmm. <affirmative>, and then the rest is automatic. 'cause you see it on your body. Right. Speaker 0 00:23:04 Right, right. Speaker 1 00:23:05 You, you see it. You're like, okay, this works. And mm-hmm. <affirmative> as human beings, we like positive affirmation. We like good things happening to us. So then you just continue. So it's those two things. I think that was a long answer, but Speaker 0 00:23:19 No, that's good. Speaker 1 00:23:19 I've never, I've never heard people actually talk about that, um, online. Speaker 0 00:23:24 Yeah. I mean, I think you, I mean, you nailed it. I think the, and I find that the awareness, and this is the thing, there's a very, you have to be very honest with yourself, with where you are. And a lot of times I find that there are life circumstances that actually make themselves apparent to you that I have to make a change. Right. I, I think there's a quote that says, sometimes people have to go through the process of it hurting bad enough in order for you to change. Right? Yes. Um, and unfortunately, I'm one of those knuckleheads, I, I, I, sometimes it has to hurt in order I'm a football player. Unfortunately, I gotta get beat up a little bit in order to, for it to make sense. But, you know, it's actually, we've conditioned ourself that it has to be painful. And honestly, yes. Speaker 0 00:24:16 As we were going through this process, I realized it, and again, we talked about this from my perspective of being a football player. And it's about this time, it's almost like 15 years since I've started playing football. So I have been in performance mode for almost 11 years of my life. And I remember you talking to me and saying, Ryan, you are no longer a football player. Your training was for performance. Now we're talking about aesthetic, we're talking about how you feel in your body. And that means you're not gonna have to lift 300 pounds on, on the bench press or squatting. And I will tell you, man, that was an identity shift for me because I thought for, I, I'm like, man, who am I now? If I lose all my muscles that I work my butt off to get right. And I, I find that most people have maybe unconsciously associated their circumstance to their identity. Speaker 0 00:25:20 And because of that, it's harder for them to dislodge themselves for something that's greater and something that's better. Um, so, you know, once those people have gotten to that point where they're like, you know, I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired. I mean, you have, uh, shown numerous individuals who have lost tremendous amounts of weight that have gone onto, uh, competitions who have, you know, I think I started with Donnie, for example. Um, and he's made some tremendous, I mean, he looks great. Um, so fantastic shape as, as you're going through that. What, um, 'cause a lot of this stuff doesn't hurt. Like Yeah. I guess, you know, you have painful situations, right? Because you haven't done it. But for the most part, the resistance training is something that you actually like, you know what if it's, if it's heavy light and load a little bit and start getting the form correct. Those kinds of things. So, you know, with someone who's like first time just trying to figure out what they need to do, we have had, we have listened to the phrase that pain is game. Right. Have you experienced with your coaching that you euphemism, is it true as we're going through that process? And is it something that in order to know that they're getting exactly what they need, they need to beat themselves down <laugh>, uh, in order to get there? Speaker 1 00:26:48 I see it all the time. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, matter of fact, I was on, I was, I was having a conversation just before this with, uh, with a lady. I see it today, right? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, who wanted to work with me, and she was describing our history, right? And she missed our call 'cause she had to go to the, uh, chiropractor. Mm-hmm. I have this conversation with her, and she's just like, Hey, I used to be in shape, but I used to train for three hours and I was doing burpees. I was doing all these things. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> and because of all these extreme exercises, very much like you, I cannot do them anymore. And I've gained all this weight, right? Mm-hmm. <affirmative> and that idea of, we all have this idea of if you, if you work hard, and I told her the same thing, there's a big difference that most people never even realized between working hard and working smart. Speaker 0 00:27:39 Come on, man. I'll give, Speaker 1 00:27:40 I'll, I'll give you an example. In my, as as I was, uh, working to become a doctor in high school, I would work hard. So I would memorize the book, I would memorize a book, memorize a word for word. I would look at it, remember it, and then write it on another book. And I would write my, that entire book onto another one. 'cause I worked hard and I'd spend a whole day on something. However, in, when I was going through pre-med, I realized you, the book's are this thick, so I can't do that anymore. Right? Speaker 0 00:28:13 Right. Speaker 1 00:28:14 And it's the, it's the same thing as like, when you get older, you're, you're, you have all these things you're responsible for and your body cannot take this anymore, right? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So I then decided to work smart, and I was, I learned that I need to understand the concepts that are being taught and relay them in my own way. And I can explain them now in 10 different ways. So I could just read it once instead of read it three times mm-hmm. <affirmative> and focus in on understanding what I'm doing. And I can remember it for the rest of my life. 'cause I understood, right. It's like me saying, Hey, if you try and put your feet in water, you will fall through mm-hmm. <affirmative>, because you, you cannot walk on water. You, you understand that. You don't have to learn that again. Speaker 1 00:29:02 Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, it's one lesson. You don't have to learn that again. So with people's bodies is worth being, as you said, conditioned to work hard. Right. You learn this, it starts with your PE classes. Mm-hmm. Then it starts with the coaching that you get in, in high school with, you know, go hard. You know, if you're not working hard right. Then you're not doing it right. So you get conditioned there again, and example in the schooling system, not to go on too much of a tangent. They haven't updated their curriculum to what life is like today. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So your kids today are still learning this, Hey, hard work, hard, hard, hard versus smart. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And then you get to college. If you're, if you continue doing sports and you now think, Hey, I need to run like 10 miles, I need to do X amount of pushups and pullups, and there's no scientific backing behind what they're teaching. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So you get into college and, and it's, it's not a pattern, it's a, it's your belief system, Speaker 0 00:30:04 Right? Mm-hmm. Speaker 1 00:30:05 <affirmative> mm-hmm. <affirmative> until, until you can't do it anymore, where it's just not sustainable. And then people start looking for answers. And typically, now, luckily we have the internet we can go to for answers, and then people are like, okay, this guy's doing this, and he's getting that result. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And then that's where you start asking. And I went through the same, if you kind of heard me, is where I said, Hey, I'm here. I went online and then I, I saw what the guy was doing. I was like, that's not true. That can't be, that's anecdotal. So I, I see that path, I, I understand it and it is my job to relay why, but as you said, I could, I could explain the way you're training to you in so many different ways and why you needed to change that. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, and I think that's where the value comes in. A coach is the ability to convey a message, especially when it relates to their body. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, and I think this is why particularly people choose to work with me. It's 'cause, and this is no shot to other coaches. They don't fully understand the physiology behind what's happening. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So they've kind of just, a lot of the time it can be copy pasted Speaker 0 00:31:17 Mm-hmm. <affirmative> mm-hmm. Speaker 1 00:31:18 <affirmative>, um, that, hey, like example football coach will only know how to train you as a football coach. But say for me, I, I understand what's ha when you do 20 reps, I know what's happening to each fiber versus doing six reps. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I know what's happening to the fiber if you're putting on 300 pounds versus if you're doing, you know, five pounds and I've given you those type of workouts before. Yeah. Yeah. So it's that understanding and that knowledge that can allow you to shift and to elicit the result you want. So people are conditioned. I try and change that conditioning with the knowledge that I have through science, and then you can take that and you can apply it to the rest of your life. You don't, like I told you, I promise you you'll never need another coach again. And here we are, right. <laugh>, and you're still seeing results and you're, you're in even better shape. I like, this has been a, was for people watching. I haven't seen Ryan in a while, and he looks like a different man again. Speaker 0 00:32:13 Yeah, man. Speaker 1 00:32:14 Right. Because he now knows, he, you, you now have this knowledge Speaker 0 00:32:17 Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, it's, it's, um, I think, man, you nailed it on the belief system part of it and the working harder and not, or working smarter, not harder. And man, I think those are so like the cultural implications of hard work. And you know what, sometimes what I find that is when you're in your work, it's actually effortless. Yes. It looks like work to other people, but it's your, you're actually in your bag, you're in your gifting. That's it. You know, so you're in that flow state. Um, like I'm gonna, I'm thinking like Steph Curry or, or, uh, yes. You know, um, you know, rest in peace, you know, Kobe Bryant, right? Like, he would just turn on, you know, black mama and just start walking and doing exactly what he's created to do on that, on that court. And it just looked like water. Speaker 0 00:33:14 I mean, it just, it was just so smooth. You know, when people aren't trying to put on, it's like, oh, that was smooth. You know? Um. Exactly. Yeah, man. So I, I'm, uh, so how can we help people? Um, 'cause I, again, this is something that, and as we're talking, this is, I like having people kind of eave drop eavesdrop in a conversation like this. But how can we help individuals shift from that particular mindset of, of working smarter and not harder? It, it, it's, there's some kind of, I don't know if it's a death to ego, it's something there that at some point you decide, you know what? I'm either putting in too much work and it's not yielding the results that I think I should be getting. There's diminishing returns. I don't know what it is, but, um, from what you've experienced and what you observed with, with your clients, and you know, what, what ha what can we do to help our listeners with that so that they can really start understanding, uh, how they can get in a flow state of their work and it still be effective without having to feel like pain? Speaker 1 00:34:32 Yes. I'm gonna give an answer that people won't like the first one. Right. I'll give a few options, but people won't like the first one that I give. And this is something that has changed my life dramatically. And as you said, it hurt my ego. So you, you may or may have not heard that doctors, some doctors will have this God complex mm-hmm. <affirmative> where they think they, they can do it all, and they're just really good at what they do. So about a year ago, I, I was running my business, running my YouTube channel, and I was in a point where my channel was successful, but I wasn't, I wasn't at, I wasn't financially where I wanted to be compared to my other, you know, colleagues in this industry. And I was just like, what am I doing so wrong that isn't allowing me to be where all these other guys are living their dream life? Speaker 1 00:35:31 As it was so weird. I was like, do I need to go from a million subscribers to 10 million? Like, what am I doing wrong? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I decided I felt pain and I decided I'm gonna get help. And I got a mentor, a business, he's my mentor, my business coach, my life coach. I, I hired a coach. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, in short, right? Because I have a coach for health and fitness, and mind you, I have a coach right now, right. I'm in competition prep mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And I was like, the, my logic was like, dude, I get help for something I know, but I know that having someone objectively tell me like, what I need to do is amazing because it allows me a path, a direct path to get to where I want to. So I was like, why not do the same with my life and with business? Hmm. And luckily I got, I got very lucky that my life coach was actually a client of mine. 'cause I asked him, Hey man, what do you do? Right? This, he's a multi multimillionaire. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, right? And he's like, when I'm speaking to him, he have the, he has the whole palm of Dubai behind him. Right. Wow. And I said, Hey man, I, you may have seen my interview with him. Yeah, Speaker 0 00:36:35 Yeah. Early on. Yeah. Like early time of the year. Right? Speaker 1 00:36:39 That's right. That's right. And I, we'll Speaker 0 00:36:41 Link that in the, uh, show notes. We'll link that in the show notes. 'cause it's a great conversation. Speaker 1 00:36:45 Yes, sir. Yes, sir. And he changed my mindset and over, over the course of three months, I four my income Wow. In three months. And it was just because I didn't have this information, this knowledge that I needed to be able to do that. And I was like, when he explained it to me, I was like, oh, duh. Right. Example, I'll give you a very, very prime example. The coaching that I now have, I used to charge once upon a time, $60 for Wow. That, and that was to work with me, to have my number to, and that was because I, I ha I, like I said, I like making people happy. So my mindset was like, I need to help everybody. Right. So anyone can afford it. And you believe, you me, I had people texting me for refunds and they're like, this is not good. Speaker 1 00:37:35 Like, and it was so stressful for me. Any long story short, I got my mentor and I forex my income. At this point, it's been 10 xd mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And my life has changed as of getting a coach. So my recommendation is if, if you want to reach a destination that you want to reach for you physically mm-hmm. <affirmative>, get a coach. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, why? Because that coach has done what you want. Right. They have achieved what you want, and they know the path. 'cause if you're here, your coach is here, your coach knows how to get you to this point. However, if you decide to do it alone, usually you'll go, you'll take a detour here, you'll come back this way, you'll go that way. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, maybe be close. You'll go all the way back. And as, as I'm saying this, people are probably thinking of their fitness journey. Speaker 1 00:38:19 Like, then I was there, then I regressed, then I did this, then I did that, and then mm-hmm. <affirmative>, they, they start all the way from the beginning. And that could take you years. Right? Right. Now trying years and years and years. But if you get a coach, they will give you a direct path to, to get to where you want. So if you want to get into your best shape and you've, you have consciousness and you have the desire, get a coach. And again, like social media's so big, so there is availability mm-hmm. <affirmative>, and also your only, your only job is to do due diligence on the coach. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> do, do, are they informative and do they have a good reputation? And do they have proof that they know what they're doing? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And you, you can find them for different prices. Speaker 1 00:39:04 And you know, there's almost no excuse. I feel that, and I'm sure you know this, Ryan, that's nothing more valuable than your health. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Absolutely. Right. So I, I say to people like, if you're not investing in your health in one or one way or another, then you're not, you don't have those two things yet. The consciousness and the, and the desire. But get a coach. That's the easiest way to go about it. Now, let's say you're like a student and you have zero budget and you don't know what to do, then seeking information just like you did Ryan, and that's how you stumbled on my videos. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And I meet people every day of my life. As, as I leave this apartment, I'll meet someone who will tell me, your videos change my life. And I, I never ever take that for granted. Speaker 1 00:39:49 And every time I make a video, I take that into consideration. So there's information out there that you don't need a coach, and you can just take what I say on those videos and apply them and already see the results you desire. For the listeners, these are the guys that I recommend that I feel like are really good in the industry. A myself, um, Dr. Mike Diamonds on YouTube, second person I think is fantastic as ager gentleman by the name of Jeff Nard. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, G J E F F N I P A R D, Jeff Nard. Jeremy er is really good on YouTube as well. And let me think of one more person that I think is really good on YouTube, uh, uh, for information seeking. I'll just name those three. They all have millions. Uh, athlete X is a great person. Yeah. For mm-hmm. Speaker 1 00:40:37 <affirmative> for workouts, right? So mm-hmm. <affirmative>, these are very big channels. And honestly, those three people, including myself, have dec have five to 10 years worth of content on there. And if you have the time, you can consume it and have enough information to set yourself in the right direction. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> right? To like, be progressing. And like I said, I have so many people who come up to me every day and just say, this worked for me. But those are the two things. Number one, get a coach. Number two is finding the right source of info. And in this day and age, we have the best, the only challenge now is most people, right? It is, it's now a sea of information. So it's harder to choose where, where to go. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, right? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Yeah. It's harder to choose where to go. So I, that's what people struggle with, is this information overload, uh, era that we're in mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So that, that I can agree with. Um, but I feel that if you have enough desire, you're okay to sift through what Speaker 0 00:41:32 Is good and what is not. And choose one person to listen to right now. That is, um, I'll tell you what, man, that coach piece, man, just as an athlete myself, man, there are, it's, it's a, uh, it's the, the knowledge and the process that the coach has already gone through that gives you the vantage point to, to trust, you know, and I think that's, I mean, that's hard for us these days, is trusting individuals with, um, our course of our development, our growth, and our fitness journey, or personal journey. Um, you know, your, your program now, I, I believe is a, you have a over seven figure business now with what you do. Um, you've been able to go across the world and, uh, I remember one call, you were in Dubai and, you know, had the thing then the background and the coaching call. Speaker 0 00:42:23 Um, yes sir. So, you know, this has opened a tremendous amount of opportunity for you. And considering that you have people that have come to you on the street, or, you know, you hear comments, reading the comments or emails and the evidence and relationships of people that's life you've changed, um, through, through this program that you've done, um, you know, is, is there, what else is, and the thing is, well, I'm gonna keep that last part and I I want to ask a question before that. And you've done it in a way that people are not sacrificing too much of their life. I thought I would never eat pizza again. <laugh>, when I started with you, I said, man, I'm not gonna eat a pizza. I'm not gonna have anything. And you know what? We, I just wanna talk about this because this is the pain part that I want to kind of cultivate a little bit. Speaker 0 00:43:24 And Yeah. Uh, and you mentioned this, like, you can still live a good life, have good food, and still get results with obviously being mindful of those things. But, you know, how many times have you had <laugh> explain to individuals that you could have one refeed get you a burger, you know, get you a burger and some, you know, some get you some sweet potato fries or something. But that's the one thing you can do. And then we'll get right back on it tomorrow. I didn't think I could do a bagel and egg whites, man. I'm gonna tell you, I smashed that kind of stuff on the weekends. <laugh>, I typically, you know, like I said, I do my fasting and have my coffee and that kind of stuff. Do my lunch, light lunch, and do some good foods. And man, I didn't even know the options that are available to me in order to do that. So we, again, we make it so hard in our, on ourselves. So, um, how can we, uh, change our relationship with food, uh, in that respect because, uh, you know, we think we got to eat like, uh, lettuce and <laugh> lemon water and Speaker 1 00:44:38 Yeah. Speaker 0 00:44:39 All those things. Speaker 1 00:44:41 Yeah, man, I, I, I know where you're coming from and I'll, I'll be honest, as a coach, I feel like that's one of my superpowers. Yes. It, it is. I get excited for the ability to go through that with somebody. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, but in short, very much going to the beginning of what we're saying, we have the tendency to wanna work hard and not smart. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, that is exactly it. Right? So, and, and this, you know, you can kind of associate that with discipline and, and so on. So with that same idea of working hard, when we decide we wanna make a change, we say, Hey, all we, we like to categorize all good and all bad, right? That's just how we as human beings function. We think in binary, binary, excuse me, o's and ones, right? Mm-hmm. <affirmative> zeros and ones, it's on or off, but that's not how your body functions. Speaker 1 00:45:37 Your body functions in a, uh, a sense of flow and energy, right? That's mm-hmm. <affirmative>, uh, that's, that's variable, right? You, you can be, you, you cannot be fully asleep, you can be half asleep, right? You can be in a different stage of your sleep. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> that elicits different things. And not to go too far on that, but what typically happens with us is that we decide, Hey, I wanna make a change. So we go very, very extreme mm-hmm. <affirmative>, and we cut out all these things, right? Everything, we're like, ah, all these bad things are like the reason for what's happened. And it, it is, it is, it's the natural course because again, we've now be con conditioned to work hard mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So we'll cut all these things up. Now, through my experience, I know that that is not sustainable mm-hmm. <affirmative>, and in some cases, and many of the listeners listening now, you'll try that and it'll last for so long, as long as much willpower as you have, but willpower is a limited resource. Speaker 1 00:46:35 Mm-hmm. And eventually you'll be like, it's over. So the same applies to your ability to eat. You didn't get fat off of the one burger. You got fat of eating multiple burgers or multiple pizzas, or Right. You, you went all the way this way and now you want to do go all the way that way. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, but that's not how it works. Right. Going all the way this way, got you. A bad result, going all the way that way is gonna get you a bad result. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And what we struggle with is the idea of balance. Mm-hmm. We, that, that's the one thing that I need to teach. And I'm sure you've kind of learned that with me, Ryan, and that's one of the first conversations we talk about is balance. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, right? So, as I mentioned, I, I, because I, 'cause again, I, I'm more experienced. Speaker 1 00:47:19 I know what, I know what I can give that I, and, and you, I know how to give you Ryan that will afford you that balance, because I know I've been here and I've been here, and I know exactly the path. So I say, Hey, this works, this works, this works. Now for people who, I'll give you an example. If you go, if you died Monday to Saturday, right? And you're, you, you got 90% right or whatever the, like 93%, you, you ate your diet for those days, and then on one day you decide to eat everything and anything you want, does that constitute as balance? The answer is no, because on one you, on it's lopsided, you're doing six days of really hard work, and then one day of the opposite, that's not balance. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. But what if I kind of shifted that and I said, Hey, let me sprinkle a little of all of the stuff you're doing here on Sunday. Speaker 1 00:48:14 I'm gonna sprinkle a little bit of that all over on your other days mm-hmm. <affirmative>, and all of a sudden we're here and then all of a sudden these days that keep on messing you up don't exist anymore. Because now we've introduced balance, right? Mm-hmm. So then that's when I'll tell you, Ryan, hey, I want you to have this bagel here on this day mm-hmm. <affirmative> on Tuesday. I want you to have this burger here on this day. And obviously everything is tailored so there's a science behind it and this and this, this is where my value comes in. 'cause I know mm-hmm. <affirmative>, but there's a balance. And you noticed in the plan I built you, there was a bit of everything every day. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And what happens is that you don't have any desire for the Sunday because the sun, you're, you're enjoying every day. Speaker 1 00:48:56 Right? You're, you're having a good time. It is a fiesta for you every day versus, hey, just Sunday. Right? Right, right. So that's the idea with the food. Um, I definitely have clients that it's more so a challenge to, to break their mindset, but number one it is, it is costly to work with me so they listen. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, that's another important thing, is like, you're ready to listen to me. Right. And when they, they listen and they give it their all in the first week, and immediately it's like a mindset shift. You saw that, you experienced that you, you ate what you ate and you came back two pounds lighter and you're like, whew, here we go. I'm, I'm convinced, right? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, the proof is in the pudding and that's all it takes. It's one week. And um, I, I think even just people listening to this advice aren't gracious with their own body to give themselves a week and even two, sometimes it takes two. Speaker 1 00:49:49 'cause you don't know for me, 'cause I know what I'm doing, it will take you a week for you that don't know can, it can take you a month, it can take you three weeks. And sometimes people aren't patient enough to, to see that happen for them mm-hmm. <affirmative>, but usually just takes that one day, very much like the YouTube analogy that I was giving about my career. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, as long as you keep trying, eventually one day you'll figure it out. So that's the thing with food is more so you're looking for balance. And then we can get into the nitty nitty grittys about protein, carbs, and fats. But as long as they're balanced, and even even so with, with clients, I cannot, I cannot build, I can go ahead and not build them a very specific plan mm-hmm. <affirmative> and distribute those foods that they enjoy once in a day and they'll start dropping weight just because their, their habits will change. Speaker 1 00:50:43 Right. Right. Their, their behaviors will change. So the analogy I like using is pressing the red button in the glass box. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Right? If I tell you don't press the red button by Sunday, you're gonna press it. 'cause you're just curiosity and you want to press it instinct. But if I get you to press it every day, you're not gonna care for it. Right. Right. Right. So if you kind of think like, if I give you a little cheat meal every day, you're not gonna care for a Sunday cheat meal. Mm-hmm. So the same analogy, and if you do the opposite, you're gonna really, you're gonna slam down on that thing on Sunday. So that's the analogy with the, with the food eating. Right. Speaker 0 00:51:20 Right. You know, that's some amazing insight. 'cause I think we've um, I find that, uh, at least when we started, right? I mean, I had, I told you I love pizza man. I'm a ninja turtle. Yeah. I think I told you, I said, Speaker 1 00:51:33 I know this, Speaker 0 00:51:33 You remember, I was like, man, I'm gonna tell us <laugh>. Yeah, that's right. <laugh>. Speaker 0 00:51:38 Yes sir. Yes sir. And I, um, I think what, what we came to, um, like, you know, we can do a, a variation of this, right? You're like, try doing a pizza, a pizza bagel. See how that does? And it was, I remember that was like, oh, that was great. So the thing is, you know, these were some, uh, it wasn't exactly what it was, but it was a better version of what I was able to experience. And, you know, back in the day. They had little bagel bites. That's what they used to have when I was young. Little bagel bites. And, um, but it was like the tomato sauce, right? Little, little, uh, little cheese and, you know, a few vegetable toppings or some meat, whatever, some Speaker 1 00:52:20 Pepperoni on there. A little bit. Speaker 0 00:52:22 Yeah, a little bit. And, and it turned out I was like, wow, this is, this is just as good. And I actually wanted stuff like that, you know? And, you know, like you just said, it's that, that relationship with food and not vacillating back and forth. And you know what, I think, uh, balance looks different to people. And most people think balance is like, I'm static, but really it's a, it's a trying to balance both without, like tipping over too much. So that's it. Speaker 1 00:52:54 It's Speaker 0 00:52:54 That tension, you know, healthy tension and, and living in that. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:53:01 And, and you can use that in anything in life. And I, I tell people all the time that, um, I wouldn't have become a doctor without health and fitness. 'cause I learned that. I learned that from health and fitness and I just applied, I applied that to everything. I, I'll give you an example, is I love, I love, I love driving now. I love driving, uh, fast cars and stuff like that. That's my, my little inner child that gets really excited. Obviously I don't have the luxury to drive every day 'cause I'm working, right? Right. But, you know, you get an opportunity here, you get an opportunity there, you sprinkle that and it's like a life balance, right? You, you put a little bit here and you get a little bit on the other way. So it, it applies to everything. And there's definitely times I can catch myself where I feel like it's not balanced. Um, I say to people, I have an addictive personality and I realize, like, let's say for my business, for example, I want to go set. I want to go where I wanna work. If I could, I would work 24 7 mm-hmm. <affirmative>. But I realized that I make poor decisions after the seventh day. Speaker 0 00:54:08 Mm. Speaker 1 00:54:08 Every time I would work, I, and I've done this before, I would work the whole week without a day off. Day eight, I'm making, I made a poor decision. Day nine, worst decision, day 10 and even worse decision. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So I would keep on taking one day off. And that allowed me to be able to like, make better decisions without making these mistakes. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So it applies to everything. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And yes, for sure there are moments that you need to kind of push more. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And maybe that's why it took so long for me to, for me to see the success that I I've seen so far is because I, it, it, it, I finally had enough pain to learn that and to discover that about myself. And this is like that, that's just life, right? You just need time. Right. And time is something we have, man. Speaker 0 00:55:02 That's incredible. Yeah, man. Dr. Mike Diamonds, man. I am, uh, I know we're getting close to our time, uh, for this. And I'm, I'm just so thankful to, uh, to you and, and the, the coaching, the mentoring, the encouragement, the, the challenges. Um, I remember just sending you text messages about just like, man, I dunno what I'm gonna be like and just being available, uh, for counsel, you know, being my counselor as I'm going through this, uh, metamorphosis in my body and my mind and my spirit and everything. So, um, you know, I I I think what you shared with our listeners today is real, is gold to get them started, um, to get them moving. But, uh, man, how can our listeners get more of all the things that you offer? I know you have, we have the YouTube channel, but what other videos? I just wanna make sure that they can connect with you online and in other ways, um, because I'm gonna tell you, I'm, I'm evidence this, this works. He works. Yes, sir. And it works. And my life has been, like I said, better because of it. So Dr. Mike, where can, where can people find you or they can connect with you? Speaker 1 00:56:16 Um, yeah, man, just right before I, I, I dive into that. Ryan, I wanna say, uh, for your listeners, a big congratulations to you, man. I remember we, on our first conversation, we spoke about this very podcast and how important this podcast is to you and how you wanted to change, to show up for your audience and to be better for your audience. So I wanted to let people know that Ryan is putting in work, he was putting in work behind the scenes, not telling anyone, not then he can share it, but he was, he put in work and hats off to you, man. And you persevered and you're, you've been an incredible client to work with throughout and even now. And I like if, again, for me, it's a, it's relationships that make me really, I love helping people and you are happy and ready to receive the help. Speaker 1 00:57:07 So even like this podcast is, is so nice for me, I'm gonna go out and continue the rest of my day with really good energy. And that's just the type of person you are. So I wanna say a big congrats to you and for just being such a good human being. Um, wow, I have tremendous love for you. And on the point of people who want to connect with me, um, number one, if you're seeking information, definitely go onto my YouTube channel, Dr. Mike Diamonds, if you want, find the most valuable videos in the sense that I want to get this information quick. I, and I want to kind of dive straight into it. The easiest thing you can do is click on my videos that have the most views, right? And just start there. And why I say that is because algorithmically they've been proven to be the most valuable and the ones that people have watched the most. Speaker 1 00:57:59 So I think that's a good starting point. And then you can kind of dive deeper into all the other videos that are surrounding that, right? So if you go to vid, if you go to my YouTube channel, just hit popular or most viewed and watch all of those. And if you watch 10 videos, I promise you, you will know what to do next, right? And then secondly, if you want to connect with me more deeper, my Instagram is Dr and I'm in there, I'm in the common section there, and you can always send me a DMM there. And on Instagram, you can find me there in the dmm, you can send me, you can comment if you definitely want me to see it, like comments, I'll always catch. 'cause I know that person is directly supporting me, so I'm definitely gonna get back to them. Those are the two main platforms I'm on, and I'm, again, I'm here to help. That is my, that is like my selfish thing that makes me happy. So those are the two platforms, man. Speaker 0 00:58:55 Awesome man. Well, thank you so much. I know you're a busy man. Um, but thank you so much for carving some time out and sharing, uh, what a refreshed life looks like once they found their purpose and what they've been designed and created to do in this earth. And leave an amazing, amazing deposit in people and, uh, doing what you've been purposed to do. So ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining today's podcast. We'll catch you in the next one. Peace. Speaker 1 00:59:26 Cheers.

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